How do I install Adobe apps on a Mac?

Adobe Creative Cloud logo, which is a red cloud.
Adobe Creative Cloud

Installing Adobe apps from the Creative Cloud desktop app

These install instructions are for UMBC owned devices onlyPlease save and close any work you may have open before starting the installation. For license and installation issues, please refer to the Fixes for basic Adobe Creative Cloud issues guide.

  1. Go here for how to determine your Mac's chip/processor (Apple silicon Macs have a Chip that does not have Intel in its name; Intel Macs have a Processor with Intel its name). After that, download the correct installer for your Mac’s chip/processor:

  2. After downloading the installer, click on it to expand it (a new folder will be created that has the same name as the installer you downloaded). 

  3. Once expanded, open the folder that was created and go to the Build folder where you will find the installer file (CCDesktopAppMac_Install.pkg or CCDesktopAppMacSilicon_Install.pkg).

  4. Control-click the installer file and select Open

  5. Click Continue in the following 3 windows to proceed. 

  6. Click Install to start the installation. If you get a prompt for your Mac's credentials, type in the user name and password for your Mac and then click Install Software.

  7. Click Close to complete the installation.

  8. Open and sign in to the Creative Cloud desktop app. NOTE: When you open the Creative Cloud Desktop app for the first time, it may automatically close and re-open. That is because it is likely updating.

  9. In the All apps page that automatically appears, choose the Adobe desktop apps you want to install from the listed apps under Available in your plan. If for some reason you don't see the All apps page, click the Apps tab located at the top left corner, click All apps, and then click the Desktop heading to see the available Adobe desktop apps.