BeyondTrust Privilege Management

BeyondTrust Privilege Management

What is BeyondTrust(*Formerly Avecto*)?

BeyondTrust is a client that when installed allows for the installation and the upgrading of a DoIT approved list of applications for workstation users that do not have administrator rights.


How do I know if I have the BeyondTrust Client?

You can check in the windows taskbar for the BeyondTrust client icon, it is a orange  circle with three white dots.  When you hover over the icon it will state BeyondTrust Privilege Management. (see pic below)

How can I install the BeyondTrust Client if it is not on my machine? 

You can use a feature called Software Center that is installed on all of the DoIT managed workstations to install the BeyondTrust Client.  

Follow the steps below to install the client:

  1. Click on the windows icon on the bottom left corner of your desktop.

  2. In the "Search programs and files" dialogue box type the words "Software Center" and select the icon that is returned by the search.

  3. Once Software Center is launched selected the Available Software Tab in the top left corner and make sure the "show optional software" box is checked.  You should see the Privilege Management for Windows (x64) based on your computer's operating system.

  4. Select the check box next to the application and click the install button in the bottom right hand corner, NOTE:  This installation WILL REBOOT your workstation, so please save all open files before starting the installation.  

 How can I tell if an application is approved?

If you attempt to install or update a commonly used program like Adobe reader or Mozilla Firefox, you will see a prompt at the bottom of your screen stating “Application Elevated” with the process name that is being elevated.  This prompt should allow the installation or upgrade you are performing to be applied. (see pic below)


How can I tell if an application is not approved?

For software that has not yet been approved when you attempt to install it will bring up a prompt that states "You have insufficient privileges to perform this action. Please provide justification in the dialogue box below.”  If you see this message please fill out the reason you need to install this application in the text box provided this will create an RT ticket with your approval request. If you do not complete the dialogue box no RT ticket will be generated.  Please do not submit multiple requests, if you are in need of immediate approval please work through the RT ticket that will be generated or contact the TSC at *53838 for further assistance. Below is a picture of the approval request prompt.   

 How Can I manage Printers? 

BeyondTrust has a utility that provides the necessary permissions to add/remove printers for a restricted access accounts. This utility is located on the start menu and is called "Privilege Guard Printer Utility" or "BeyondTrust Printer Utility"

Once the utility is open you can select the "Add a new printer" option and follow the dialogue boxes to install your desired printer.  This would be used for USB direct attached printers.  

How Can I uninstall Applications?

The Beyond Trust Client allows for the removal applications through the Beyond Trust Programs and Features Manager.  This utility is located on the start menu and is called either "Privilege Guard Programs and Features Manager" or "Beyond Trust Programs and Features Manager".  After launched you would select the application and choose the uninstall option to remove the application.  



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