How do I create a required checkbox?

How do I create a required checkbox?

DocuSign does not allow you to make a checkbox required, because 'unchecked' is a valid response for a checkbox. In some situations, however, you can use a single radio button instead.

Selecting a radio button field automatically places a pair, with the option to add more to the group. Instead you can delete one, which will leave a single radio button that must be selected in order to finish the form.

This can be useful when you want the signer to acknowledge that they have read the 'Terms and Conditions'. You can then make the radio button a trigger for the signature field to appear, effectively guiding the signer through the process while making sure that they have at least acknowledged that something on the form should be read carefully before signing.

Note: Once selected, the radio button cannot be unselected.

*black arrow represents conditional rule from trigger to field to appear

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