How can I leverage Google Forms with DocuSign? 2


The Main Idea

When someone needs to fill out a form, they navigate to the Google form and fill it out appropriately, when finished hitting Submit. Upon submission, values from the Google form populate a Google doc that has been generated from a template. The generated Google doc is automatically sent to a folder designated for form submissions and the person overseeing this process (The Document Administrator) receives an email that there has been a Google form submission. The Document Administrator then opens the generated Google doc, makes any necessary edits, and uploads it to DocuSign as part of an envelope using Google’s DocuSign Add-on. The Document Administrator then adds any necessary components to the document (recipients and fields for example) in DocuSign and sends it. After sending, it follows essentially the same path as a typical document in DocuSign. This process has been broken down into 8 parts that should be done in order to avoid bugs.






  • More flexibility with forms before they are uploaded to DocuSign, which gives senders more control

  • Senders can manually edit documents including data populated by the form before uploading to DocuSign

  • Flexibility in editing individual documents comes with it being an ad hoc solution

  • Need to download the DocuSign Add-on for Google

  • Can’t leverage tools like SSO or LDAP lookup

  • Each document needs to be manually uploaded to DocuSign

  • As this is not an enterprise solution, it does not have the same tools and capabilities as those that are



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Part 1: How to make a form template in Google Docs

The first thing you need to do is create (or upload) a form template in your Google Drive. Google docs containing data from form submissions will be generated from this template.

  1. Go to your Google Drive, making sure you are logged in using your UMBC credentials


    1. You can access your Google Drive through myUMBC by hovering over the Apps icon at the top of the page next to your profile icon

  3. Click +New in the top left corner of the screen and select Google Docs


    1. If you are uploading a document, select File Upload from the +New menu instead. The document must have the same formatting as a Google doc so you may need to convert your document before uploading.

  5. Title the document appropriately

  6. Create/edit the form template in this document

  7. Go back through the template and indicate which fields need to be populated by the Google form using data labels enclosed in double carrots

    1. Ex. What is your marital status? <<MaritalStatus>>

  8. Anywhere that you are going to add a field in DocuSign should be left blank at this time


    1. This is so there is space for fields in DocuSign when the documents get uploaded

  10. The Google doc saves automatically, so you can exit at any time and come back

Part 2: How to create a folder for generated documents to be sent to

Generated documents containing Google form submissions will automatically be sent here

  1. Go to your Google Drive, making sure you are logged in using your UMBC credentials

  2. Click +New in the top left-hand corner of the page and select Folder

  3. Title the folder appropriately

  4. Click Create

  5. Exit the folder and continue to Part 3

Part 3:  How to make the Google form

  1. In your Google Drive, click +New and select Google Sheets

  2. Title it appropriately

  3. Click Tools in the menu bar at the top of the page and select Create a Form

  4. Using the template as a guide, create questions for the Google form that correspond to information being populated by the form into generated documents 


    1. Ex. What is your marital status?

  6. Customize the theme of the Google form to fit the department’s needs by clicking the paint palette in the top right-hand side of the screen

  7. Once you are finished adding questions and customizing the form, exit out of the tab as everything saves automatically

Part 4: How to edit the script - Important information about Google Forms

  • When you make a Google form, Google automatically creates a Google sheet (defaultly titled Form Responses 1)  to house data given by the form (questions asked and responses given)


    • This Google sheet is connected to the sheet you used to create the Google form. 

    • To access it, open the sheet used to create the Google form and select Form Responses 1 from the tabs at the bottom of the screen

    • Each question automatically gets its own column. The question itself appears in the first row of each column and answers given in the form for that question populate the rest of the rows. Timestamp is by default column A, and each question populates the rest of the columns (Question 1 = column B, and so on). Each row across the sheet indicates one person’s answers for every question.


    • The Form Response Sheet is where data populating the generated Google doc is pulled from

    • If you add a question to the Google form, the Form Response Sheet automatically adds that question’s column to the end of the other columns. You can manually move the column to reflect the order of the questions appearing on the form. Doing this is beneficial as the script relies on the ordering of the columns to pull data, and as such helps to keep things organized properly.


      • To move a column, click the gray bar above the column (where the columns are lettered) to select the whole column, then drag it where you would like it to be

    • Deleting a question in the Google form doesn't delete it’s corresponding column in the form response sheet. You can manually delete the column to keep the Form Response Sheet updated with the form. Again, doing this is beneficial as the script relies on the Form Response Sheet to pull data so it is best to keep it updated.


      • To delete a column, click the gray bar above the column (where the columns are lettered) to select the whole column, then right click and select Delete column

Part 4.25: How to edit the script - Using the script template

  1. Go to the spreadsheet that you used to create the Google form

  2. Click Tools in the menu bar at the top of the screen and click <> Script Editor

  3. The script editor will automatically open in a new tab; delete all the text that appears in the window of this tab

  4. In a new tab, go back to your Google Drive

  5. Click Shared with me in the menu on the left side of the page

  6. Open the folder called Google Form to Doc Templates and select the Google sheet titled Google Form to Doc Sheet Template

  7. Click the Tools drop-down in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select <> Script Editor

  8. Copy all the text in that window and paste it in the Script Editor for the form you are currently working on (you can exit the script template at this point)

  9. Title the script appropriately

  10. Edit the copied script template to apply to the form you are working on

Part 4.5: How to edit the script - Editing the script to apply to the form

These are the areas of the script that need to be edited

Here, you are giving the columns of data in the Form Response Sheet labels that you will later match to data labels from the document template

  1. If you don't want the timestamp of form submissions to be included anywhere with regards to the form, delete the first line containing timestamp 


    1. If you do want the timestamp, don't edit this line

  3. Using the Google form and template as a reference, input your data labels (creating a new line for each label) in place of the blue DataLabel# text

    1. It won't affect the script if the blue text doesn't match the data labels, however doing it this way helps a lot with consistency issues and readability. It’s easy to tell what data you are referring to if the same data is referred to in the same comprehensive way throughout this process.

    1. The green bracketed number (index #) should correspond to a column of data in the Form Response Sheet (Column B = 1, Column C= 2, etc)

    2. Using the Marital Status example from above, the blue text matches the data label used in the template and the index number matches the fact that data from that question would appear in Column E of the Form Response Sheet


    1. The labels should appear exactly how the data labels in the template do (exclude the carrots when inputting)

    2. The inputted labels should be in the SAME order as their corresponding columns of data in the Form Response Sheet

  5. Copy, paste, and edit this line until all of the data labels are inputted in their own line

Here, you are specifying which Google doc is to be used as the template

  1. Open the Google doc you created to act as a template

  2. Copy the string of characters appearing between d/ and /edit in the URL (this is the file ID)

  3. Navigate back to the script editor and paste it between the red apostrophes in this section 


Here, you are specifying which folder you want the generated Google docs to be sent to

  1. Open the folder you created for generated Google docs to be sent to 

  2. Copy the string of characters in the URL that comes after folders/ (this is the folder ID)

  3. Navigate back to the script editor and paste it between the red apostrophes in this section


Here, you are specifying what the name of documents generated from Google form submissions will be called

  1. Type what you want generated documents to be titled between the red apostrophes


Here, you are specifying which data labels on the document template correspond to which labels you gave to columns of data from the Form Response Sheet. This is telling the script to replace data labels in the template with corresponding data from the Form Response Sheet.

  1. Replace the <<DataLabel#>> text with your actual data labels (leave the carrots)


    1. Copy, paste, and edit the line until all of your data labels are entered in their own line

    2. They should be in the SAME chronological order as the data labels entered in the //retrieve form submission values section. While it won't affect the script if they are not in the same order, it can be helpful for consistency purposes.

  3. Enter your data labels in place of the blue DataLabel# text that appears after the comma


    1. They need to be formatted in the SAME way as the section above (spelling, no spaces, etc)

    2. They must also make sense with their corresponding data label in carrots

    3. For example, marital status would be the 4th line down appearing as,

Here, you are specifying how email notifications to the Document Administrator about form submissions should be formatted and what information they should contain

  1. Input the Document Administrator’s email address between the red apostrophes where it says to:


    1. For testing purposes, it is helpful to use your own email for now (if you are not the Document Administrator)

  3. Edit the subject line to reflect what the subject of the email notification should be


    1. According to the script in the template, the subject would be the name of the generated document

    2. Any regular text you want to be in the subject field should be inputted in the red apostrophes

  5. You can edit what you want the body of the email to be by editing the text between the red apostrophes in the body line


    1. Generally, the phrase “A file has been generated from *Google Form name* *the url of the file generated*” is a good starting point. How to include a link to the generated file is shown in the example below (after the +).


 Part 5: How to add a trigger to your script

  1. In your saved script, click Edit in the menu bar at the top left-hand side of the page followed by Current Project’s Triggers

  2. Click +Add Trigger on the bottom right-hand side of the page

  3. On the right side of the window under Failure Notification Settings, select Notify me immediately 


    1. This means that you will get an email every time the script fails. This is important as you will be able to match the timestamp of the failure notification with the Form Response Sheet to know who the script failed on.

  5. In the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window called Select Event Type, select On form submit


    1. Doing this tells Google that the script should be triggered every time someone submits the Google form

  7. Click Save at the bottom of the window


    1. You may be asked which email account you would like to use; select your account

    2. You may be asked to grant the script access to your account; in that window, scroll to the bottom and click Allow

  9. Only do this AFTER your script is COMPLETE or ALMOST COMPLETE to avoid bugs

  10. Transferring ownership of the Google form/sheet breaks the trigger; this means that the trigger would have to be added again

Part 6: How to test the script

  1. Open the Google Form you created

  2. Click Send in the top right-hand corner of the page

  3. Put your email in the To: section


    1. Emailing the Google form to yourself is the easiest way to test the form

  5. Click Send

  6. Check your email for the form

  7. Open the email and click FILL OUT FORM

  8. Fill out the form how you would like to test it and click Submit

  9. Check your email for a notification that there has been a new submission in the Google Form. Make sure the email appears how you would like it to.

  10. Check the folder you created for Google Form’s generated files to make sure that your test submission is there

  11. Fix any bugs you may have

Part 7: How to connect to DocuSign - Uploading the template

  1. Locate the template you created in Part 1

  2. Click File in the top left-hand corner, hover your mouse over Download as and select PDF Document (.pdf)


    1. Save it wherever is easiest to find later

    2. You can also print it as a PDF

  4. Log into DocuSign PRD 

  5. Click the Templates tab in the bar at the top of the screen

  6. Click New at the top of the menu on the left and select Create Template

  7. Click Upload in the Add Documents to the Envelope portion of the screen and upload the PDF of the downloaded template 

  8. Title the template appropriately

  9. Add any roles that are default for this document

  10. Add any fields that are default for this document

  11. Click Save and Close at the bottom of the right side of the screen

  12. Click the small arrow next to the Use button that corresponds to the template you just uploaded

  13. Click Include in Matching, which enables that template to be paired with the generated documents that will be uploaded


    1. The point of doing this is that the title, roles, and fields added for the template uploaded to DocuSign will automatically transfer to any form that gets paired with it. This saves the Document Administrator time when they are uploading each submission’s generated document into DocuSign as default settings and options will automatically transfer over.

  15. You can now exit DocuSign

Part 7.5: How to connect to DocuSign - Downloading the Add-on

  1. Open any Google doc and click Add-ons in the menu bar at the top of the screen


    1. If there is already an Add-on called DocuSign - Electronic Signature for Docs, skip to Part 7.75

  3. Select Get add-ons… in the Add-ons menu

  4. In the search bar in the top right corner of the Add-on window, search for ‘DocuSign’


    1. It should be the first result called DocuSign - Electronic Signature for Docs 

  6. Add the DocuSign Add-on by clicking the blue +Free button associated with it


    1. It may ask you to select which email you would like to use; choose your email account in the window that comes up

    2. If there is another pop-up window, scroll to the bottom of that window and click the blue Allow button

  8. DocuSign’s Add-on has now been installed

Part 7.5: How to connect to DocuSign - Uploading Google Form's generated files

  1. Open one of the documents generated from your test form submissions that should have appeared in the file you created

    1. This step is also where you can edit the documents before uploading. Once a document has been uploaded to DocuSign, you can no longer make edits.

  2. Click Add-ons in the bar at the top of the page 

  3. Hover your mouse over DocuSign - Electronic Signature for Docs and click the option Sign with DocuSign that appears to the right of the menu

  4. Click Start


    1. You may need to select your email and click Allow again

  6. On the page Who Needs to Sign the Document, select the appropriate option according to how this process will be utilized

  7. In the next window, make sure the correct template is selected for matching and click Apply

    1. Click My Preferences in that menu

    2. Select Template Matching under Signing and Sending in the menu on the left in the next page (should be towards the bottom)

    3. Lowering the Match sensitivity level should make it easier for DocuSign to match documents, especially if the template is very different from the generated document you are uploading


    1. If you don't see an option for matching it could mean that you uploaded the template in DEV and not PRD or that you need to change your template matching settings

    2. To change matching settings, log into DocuSign PRD and click your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the page

  9. Add recipients and fields according to who needs to sign/receive a copy of the form


    1. This is done in the same way as you would a typical document in DocuSign

  11. Once you have reviewed that everything in the envelope is how it should be, click Send

  12. On the next page you can either Close since the process is complete or see Document Details

Part 8: What happens next

  1. Recipients will receive an email requesting them to sign a document as if it were any other document in DocuSign

  2. Once all roles associated with the document have been completed, the Document Administrator will get an email telling them that it has been completed, along with a link to see the completed document

  3. A copy of the completed document will also be saved in the Document Administrator’s Google Drive in a folder designated for Google Docs signed through DocuSign that is automatically created by DocuSign

  4. A copy of the signed document will also be saved in DocuSign