How do I make a Class Collaborate recording available to my class?

How do I make a Class Collaborate recording available to my class?


Recorded sessions are compressed and saved as MP4s, but need to be converted into a playable format before viewing.  The first time a recording is accessed the conversion begins. It may take a few minutes but once is has been done the recording can be viewed by everybody. A recording may take up to 24 hours to process if demand is high or your recording is very long. 

If you are missing a Class Collaborate recording:

1. Confirm that you recorded the session.

2. Ensure that all users have exited the Class Collaborate room. If users are still in the room, moderators can remove them

3. Wait 24-hours for session to render.

If you have completed the above steps, please place an RT Ticket with the name of the Blackboard Course, date, and approximate start and end time of the Class Collaborate session so that Instructional Technology staff can reference archives. If your session was not recorded, Instructional Technology staff will not be able to recover a recording. 



Tell Me

The first step is to record your Class Collaborate session. Only moderators can turn recording on in sessions. 

Go to Class Collaborate, open the Menu, and select Recordings.

  1. Go to your course and access Class Collaborate.

  2. Click on the icon (≡) in the upper left corner of Class Collaborate. 

  3. Click on Recordings.

  4. Find the recording you want to share.

  5. Open the Recording options menu on the far right of the recording.

  6. Select Copy Link.

  7. Create a link in your course or email it to students.

Recording Tips

Students can find session recordings from in their course using the same steps. You can also share your recordings with anyone not in a course with a recording link.

Everyone can view the recordings from any device as often as they want. There are no view limits

Students may be able to download recordings if the Moderators allow session recording downloads for each session.


Recordings include activity in the live session.

  • Audio

  • Any content shared or active speaker video. NOTE: If both are shared during the session, only the content shared is recorded.

  • Chat messages in the Everyone channel.

    • Private messages and chat messages in breakout groups are not recorded. 

    • If you want chat messages to be anonymous in the recording, make sure you select that option in Session Settings before you start the session.

  • Captions entered during the live session or added later by a moderator. Only one caption track is available. If your session had more than one caption track, only the first available one is captured.



In mid-September 2020, public access to recordings was disabled by by default for new sessions. Only session owners and students enrolled in the course can see the recording. Any links shared to the recording will no longer work when the recording is secure. When public access is off, the recording is secure.

Students can find session recordings from the Class Collaborate tool in their course. If you want to share your recordings with anyone not in a course, you need to make them available to the public. See → How do I make a Class Collaborate recording public?

NOTE: All recordings prior to the September update remain public. This means access to the recordings is not restricted and recordings don’t require a password. Anyone who has access to the link can watch the recording and can also share the link with others. If the instructor clears the public access check box later, the shareable link stops working. 


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