Using Special Characters in Filenames and Titles
Using Special Characters in Filenames and Titles
The use of special characters such as (#,&,+) can potentially cause problems. Special characters are discouraged in filenames (whether uploaded by a student or instructor), content and content area titles, and Grade Center columns.
When incorporating files into Blackboard, remember (also remind students) not to use the following illegal filename characters:
spaces in filenames
\ (backslash)
/ (forward slash)
: (colon)
; (semi-colon)
* (asterisk)
? (question mark)
" (double quotes)
< (left angle bracket)
> (right angle bracket)
| (pipe)
% (percent)
, (comma)
# (pound or number)
$ (dollar)
! (exclamation)
+ (plus)
{ ( left bracket)
} ( right bracket)
& (ampersand)
[ ( left square bracket)
] ( right square bracket)
• (bullet)
' (apostrophe)