Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 600 - Library Personnel and Payroll Policies, Guidelines & Procedures

The only legally enforceable personnel policies and rules applicable to classified and associate staff are those outlined in State law and in the latest editions of UMS Policy manuals.

It is appropriate, nonetheless, to clarify the application of these approved and enforceable policies, as well as the respective roles of Library staff, student assistants, and administrative personnel in the personnel and payroll processes. To this end, the following "guidelines" have been developed and issued by the Director of the Library after review by the Director of Human Resources as required by UMBC policy.

Library guidelines are subject to State, UMS, and UMBC personnel and payroll policies, rules, and procedures. As such, they cannot contradict or conflict with applicable official policies (or future adopted policies). Therefore, departmental guidelines are subject to change without notice to reflect and accommodate changes in official policies, etc. and interpretation of same by the UMBC Human Resources Department.

All Library staff and supervisors are responsible for correct and timely adherence to all applicable State laws, USM and UMBC personnel policies and rules, as well as Library guidelines. All staff who are uncertain of the applicability of guidelines or personnel policies should consult their supervisors or the Business Manager who is charged with routine administration of departmental personnel and payroll affairs. This instruction, of course, does not abrogate the right of all staff to consult with the Library Director or with the UMBC Human Resources Department if deemed necessary.

written 4/25/91, updated 12/10/10 msb, 12/20/10 lw

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian