C2. Circulation Closing Procedures

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

C2. Circulation Closing Procedures


$ Turn off the Circulation Desk and Return Desk computers:

  • Exit from Aleph.

  • Exit from the USMAI catalog page.

  • Click on Start, chose Shut Down. At the prompt "What do you want the computer to do?", choose Shut Down. Click OK.

$ Turn off Self-Checkout

  • Use the Admin card (found in the black file box) to shutdown the terminal.

  • Turn off the power with the switch on the back.

$ Close the Copy Room
-Turn off the copiers.

  • DO NOT turn off the computer monitors or the printers.

  • Put any paper in recycling and bring any books to the Circulation Department.

  • Turn out the lights.

  • Close the doors, engaging the upper lock on the left door.

$ Check return trucks for In-transit books and place in correct bin.

$ Verify that the coffee and hot water machines are off; close the door to the back room.

$ Turn off the departmental copier. Verify that the door to the Special Collections hallway is closed.

$ Give Circulation Department keys (and other department keys turned in to Circ) to the Security Guard or put them in the key cabinet at the Security Desk.

$ Turn off the department light switches on the left and right of the door exiting to the guard's desk. Close the door.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian