Grade Change Request

Grade Change Request

Reasons for Form:

The Grade Change Request is a form accessed by instructors/professors who want to adjust a grade for one of the following reasons:

  • Incomplete Grade

  • Requestor Error

  • Submitted after deadline

  • Absence of Requestor

  • Other

Special Note:

  • Once a course grade is recorded on the transcript, a grade change request may be submitted by the original course instructor only if

    • there is an exceptional circumstance that is documented, or

    • in cases where an incomplete (grade of I) is being changed to a grade

  • All grade change requests must be reviewed and approved by the Registrar's Office before being processed.


The web form is accessed by an individual with Grade Change authority.

  • If the grade change is Within a Year and reason is due to Incomplete Grade it does NOT need an approval. 

  • If the grade change is After 1 Year you will need the signatures from the Chair of your department and the Vice Provost and Dean (Undergraduate level course) or Assistant Dean (Graduate level course). 

  • If you are submitting the document and you are both the Instructor and the Chair you will need the next higher authority to approve the document.

Parties that are designated to each option will then receive an email and sign off on the stated information.

The registrar will review the information and approve the grade change request.

Once completed the Requestor and Student will both get an email indicating the change has been made in the PeopleSoft system.

Resources needed to fill out the form: 

Student Campus ID


  • Department Chair OR

  • Next Higher Authority if Instructor is also the Chair

Grade Status (Current and Proposed)

  • Current Grade will display on the form if Requestor is the Instructor of Record

  • Current Grade will require manual input if NOT Instructor of Record

How to fill out the form:

The web form is accessed by the Instructor/Professor. They will then fill out the required data on the web form.

Once the web form is completed they will be sent to the document where they will be required to complete the rest of the information needed as well as provide comments if necessary.  

Additional Info.

To help expedite the processing of grade change forms please consider the checklist items below:

When completing or reviewing a grade change form please verify that all information is
completely filled out on the form and accurate:

 Verify that the Campus ID matches the student name listed on the form.

 Verify that the student is in “active” status. If the students status is listed as
“completed” additional review of the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate
Academic Affairs will be required.

 Verify that the student is/was enrolled in the course listed on the form and that the
term provided is accurate. If course is cross-listed, verify that the form reflects the
correct cross-listing.

 Verify that the instructor is associated with the course listed.
If a grade is being changed from an “I” to a letter grade the only signature that is necessary is
that of the instructor who taught the course – assuming the change is being made within the
allowable incomplete grading period. Once complete, forms can be sent directly to the
Registrar’s Office.

If an “I” grade has automatically converted to an “F” grade due to timing and a new letter grade
is requested, the signatures of the instructor and the chair of the department are required. Once
complete, forms can be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office. When “I” grades are involved
please be mindful of the Incomplete Grading Policy and respective timelines.

If a grade is being changed from an “NG” to a letter grade or to an “I” grade the signatures of
the instructor and the chair of the department are required. Once complete, forms can be sent
directly to the Registrar’s Office. Note that once "NG" grades are assigned, audit requirements
necessitate an individual grade change form be filed in the student record (late grades cannot be
submitted via roster or spreadsheet).

If a letter grade is being changed to a different letter grade, the signatures of the instructor and
the chair of the department are required. Once complete, forms can be sent directly to the
Registrar’s Office.

If the letter grade is being lowered (e.g., A to a D) please ensure that the
student has been notified prior to submitting the grade change form for processing.

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