I have forgotten my myUMBC password. What should I do?

I have forgotten my myUMBC password. What should I do?

If you have been locked out because of too many failed attempts, please call the Technology Support Center at 410-455-3838 for further assistance.

Option 1 only applies to those who have set their security questions and alternate e-mail address. If you don't remember the answers to your security questions or no longer have access to the alternate e-mail address on file, please see option 2.

  1. Click the Forgot your password? link on the myUMBC login screen or click here.

  2. Enter your Email address, UMBC Campus ID, or myUMBC username then click Next

  3. Verify your e-mail address.

  4. Answer your security questions.

  5. After successfully answering your security questions, a password reset link sent to your alternate e-mail address on file.

  • This link will only be active for 24 hours.

  • If you have trouble receiving the email, be sure to check your Spam folder.


Option 2: Contacting the Technology Support Center

Password resets must be requested by the account holder.

If you forget your password, contact the DoIT Technology Support Center at 410-455-3838 during business hours. We will not be able to tell you what your existing password is but will be able to send a reset link to a non-UMBC email address after confirming your identity.

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