Guideline 632 - Co-Worker Funeral Attendance

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 632 - Co-Worker Funeral Attendance

To provide guidance for supervisors in permitting equitable levels of staff attendance at funeral or visitation observances for close relatives of coworkers or coworkers.

viewing: ordinarily viewings offer some flexibility in terms of options allowing a staff member to attend either during day(s) or evening(s). Given this, staff should be able to complete a visit on their own time (e.g., during the evening visitation hours when work schedule is daytime).

funeral: timing does not present same flexiblity as viewings. Attendance at funeral services -- one hour may be allotted plus the duration of the meal period for which the staff member is usually scheduled.

Supervisors should not approve a work schedule change that would move a staff member's attendance onto library time if he/she was not already scheduled to work at that time.

Supervisors should ensure that unit operations are not adversely affected (i.e., service points, phone coverage, critical operations should continue).

Allowances for time away from work may be greater if the deceased is a coworker's spouse or child, or if deceased was a current Library & Gallery employee.

drafted 2/20/96 with minor revisions 5/3/00

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian