Guideline 627 - Library Time Sheet Procedures and Related Guidelines

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 627 - Library Time Sheet Procedures and Related Guidelines

Modifications for Exempt Staff effective 3/26/00

620: Supervisor establishes work schedule through discussion with employee. Supervisor retains documentation. (no change).
Supervisor no longer required to communicate schedule to Lib. Admin. for either exempt or non-exempt staff (change effective 3/6/00)

620: Changes to established work schedule are subject to approval by supervisor. (no change)

621: Meals, breaks: no change.

623: Leave requests: Supervisor may require written submission of form to supervisor, or rely on email, verbal or other means of request. Leave request forms for exempt staff should no longer be sent to Admin. Offices except for those reporting directly to the Director and Assoc Director. (change effective 3/6/00)

623: Approval of leave requests by the supervisor: no change: i.e., the supervisor can deny as before.

623: Family leave: no change

627: Time sheet completion: starts 3/26/00:

"Start time, end times and actual hours worked shall not be recorded nor tracked on the time sheets." UMBC HR directive.

"Duty Days": UMBC HR directs that we record a "D" on the time sheet for each day the employee worked. When to record a "D" if only a partial day is worked? First, remember that advance supervisor approval is required for any deviation from work schedule. Second, HR stipulates that it must be more than 15 minutes. Apparent intent is to indicate employee has performed substantive work effort and duration. If these conditions are met, record the "D."

Employee is responsible for working "a minimum of 80 hours per bi-weekly payroll period," by BOR policy. Note that this does not say that each must be a minimum of 80 hours. Therefore, a supervisor and employee can work out that one payroll period could be a few hours short and another a few hours long, tracked off the time sheet, so long as the per bi-weekly works out to at least 80.

How many is "a few"? Library defines "a few" here as "less than 8 hours." Remember that the standard schedule must be established by the supervisor, and that the supervisor must approve deviations from it. So, all that has to be tracked is the deviations that have been approved from the established standard schedule.

8 or more hours deviation from 80 in a biweekly period: In order for an employee to be credited with comp time for hours worked beyond the 80 hours, the supervisor must obtain HR permission in writing prior to accrual.

If an employee works fewer than 72 hours in a pay period, appropriate leave is to be used (annual, sick, personal, any previous accrual of comp time, unused holiday leave...).

"Record leave usage in full day increments" is a UMBC HR directive. Therefore, if an employee is absent from scheduled work shift, Library gives the supervisor three options: [1] to approve the employee's making up time within the bi-weekly payroll period (preferred) or as soon as possible in subsequent pay periods as per parameters noted above; [2] to allow only full day increments (i.e. if employee is absent 1 hour, record 8 hours of appropriate leave if the normal workday for that day in question is 8 hours), OR [3] to track hours of absences off the time sheets until they reach full day increments and then record those full day increments on time sheets. In any case, indicate leave on time sheets in hours taken.

HR, on the time sheet, requires the employee is to indicate the length of the "normal workday" (8, 10, or other). Library procedure: For irregular work weeks, provide the average workday here. Planned use of this information by HR is unclear as of this writing.

BOR Policies VII-
UMBC HR directives per meeting 2/21/00

provisional revisions 3/6/00.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian