Guideline 621 - Lunch and Work Breaks

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 621 - Lunch and Work Breaks

Lunch Break

As provided in the UMBC Memorandum of Understanding, (Article 6, Section 3),

There shall be an unpaid duty-free break of at least thirty (30) minutes for employees working on assignments of six (6) hours or more. Lunch breaks should normally be scheduled at the mid point of the employee's regular work shift.

Work Breaks

As provided in the UMBC Memorandum of Understanding, (Article 6, Section 2),

There shall be two (2) paid duty-free rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes each for all full-time assignments. Rest periods shall normally be scheduled towards the mid point of the first and second parts of the daily schedule. Employees working at least four (4) hours but less than six (6) hours shall receive one paid duty-free period of fifteen (15) minutes. These rest breaks are the only breaks authorized by the University.

Combination of Breaks

As provided in the UMBC Memorandum of Understanding, (Article 6, Section 5), "Work areas shall be allowed to continue the practice of allowing employees to combine work breaks and/or lunch breaks."

While taking breaks or while on mealtime, staff may not distract or interfere with other staff who are still working. Staff should not take breaks at public service desks. Staff may not schedule lunch or work breaks at the beginning or end of their scheduled work day.

References: UMBC Memorandum of Understanding, effective from 6/22/05-6/21/08
UMS Personnel Policies and Rules for Classified Employees, V-3, V-5.

guideline implemented 6/5/91; guideline revised 3/26/96, 09/19/05

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian