EBSCO Discovery Service Custom Catalog Questionnaire (Final)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

EBSCO Discovery Service Custom Catalog Questionnaire (Final)

EBSCO Discovery Service Custom Catalog Questionnaire

Sept. 5, 2012

Tasks to Perform

Thank you for choosing EBSCO Discovery Service's Custom Catalog. Before we begin designing your catalog database, we first need information from you about your data. Here are the tasks that you will need to perform:

  1. Complete the below Catalog Questionnaire: There are 14 questions in total.


  1. Exporting your MARC data with holdings information: We ask that you send us your catalog MARC data. EBSCO's preferred mechanism for receiving your MARC data export is through FTP. An FTP account has been set up for your institution with unique username and password information. If you have not received your FTP values, please notify us at eds@ebscohost.com

Please export your catalog in one of the supported MARC formats and, if you are able to, please include holdings fields in this export. You may follow the guidelines established in the FTP Procedures document and upload your data to the FTP site.
FTP Procedures Document: http://support.ebscohost.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5017
MARC Data Export Checklist for EBSCO Custom Catalog

  1. Look up Table (optional): In order to display item/copy location information in a user friendly form, EBSCO can expand coded location values in the holdings section of your MARC data via a lookup table. Please create and send this location lookup table as a tab-delimited text file.

This location lookup table will include the following four columns:
For instructions and examples, please visit: http://support.ebscohost.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5018
We have decided to use the brief Lookup Table sent by Linda Seguin that is currently in place for the USMAI catalog, with the understanding that once our UMBC specific catalog instance is in place we may want to edit the Lookup Table.

Custom Catalog Questionnaire

About your ILS:

  1. Which ILS system/version do you use? ALEPH 500


  1. How many bibliographic records are in your catalog? ca. 3.8 million


  1. Please provide a name for your catalog, this name will display along with other databases searched (character limit: 80). catalogUSMAI


  1. Please provide a brief description of your catalog. If a user wants to search your catalog via EBSCOhost, this description will display during the database selection process.

"Search the library catalog for all schools in the University System of Maryland"
Custom Linking

  1. Please provide the URL syntax that can be used to link directly to records in your OPAC along with the field/subfield in your data files that corresponds to the various URL parameters.

Example: http://\{Your OPAC URL}/record={Your Unique Identifier}
http://catalog.umd.edu/docno=\{9-digit unique identifier}

  1. Does your OPAC have a user session limit? Yes

    1. If yes, how many users does it accept at a time? 500


  1. What is the MARC field/subfield that represents a persistent, unique identifier for your records (i.e. 001, or 907 $a)? 001

Note: this value will be used by EBSCO to generate accession numbers and persistent links for items in your catalog.

  1. EBSCO supports loading of catalogs in MARC21 (preferred), UNIMARC, KORMARC, Integrated KORMARC, and MARCXML. Please specify the formats you are able to export. However, if you are unable to export your catalog in one of these formats, please specify which formats you have available. We will then follow up with you to discuss your catalog.

If you would like more information about which fields EBSCO uses from the MARC record, please visit:

  1. Please tell us in which fields/subfields we can find the following values:


Holdings Information

MARC field & subfield

Call Number

PST $h $i

Call Number Additional Information (e.g. volume or copy number)

For journals – 866 $a
For monograph multi-volumes information in Z39.50 field labeled enumAndChron

Library Location

PST $4

Shelf Location (if coded separately from library location)

PST $5

Barcode or copy identifier

For journals—866 $a
For monograph multi-volumes information in Z39.50 field labeled enumAndChron

Identifying eBooks & Audiobooks

  1. If you would like to enable the identification of eBooks and Audiobooks in your catalog, please tell us how they can be identified by listing the values that appear within the MARC bibliographic records.



MARC fields, subfields, and values


PST $o = "EBOOK"



Identifying Full Text

  1. If you would like any catalog records to return when limiting to Full Text please tell us how EBSCO can identify a record as Full Text (For example: eBook, Audiobook, e-resource, etc) Using PST $b and PST $c combinations BC-BC and WWW


  1. Links from MARC Record

Example Field: 856 41 $uhttp://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy045/68018389.html$yClick here to access full text

MARC subfields for URL handling


Link Text

856/956 $y

URL Link

856/956 $u

Public Note

856/956 $z

Material Type

856/956 $3

Links on Result List

  1. EBSCO can display links from your records on the Result List. Please note that by default we do not display any links on the Result List.

We want links displayed.
If you have a preference for which links appear on the Results List (for example: eBook Full Text), please tell us how to identify these links within the record.
We may have a preference once we see which links display in our UMBC catalog instance.
Note: If there is no link text, EBSCO defaults the link text to "Online Access."
We understand that text "Online Access" will display if there is no $y in the 856/956 field.

Real-Time Availability

  1. EBSCO can connect to your z39.50 or REST service to retrieve and display Real-Time Availability for items in your catalog. If you have holdings information (status, location, call number, etc.) available within your service, please include authentication information below.

Note: If you are behind a firewall and require EBSCO IP addresses, please visit: http://support.ebscohost.com/knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5762







  • Global USMAI catalog (all 16 institutions' catalogs): GL

  • Bowie State University: BS

  • Center for Environmental Science: CE

  • Coppin State University: CS

  • Frostburg State University: FS

  • Morgan State University: MS

  • Salisbury University: SU

  • St. Mary's College of Maryland: SM

  • Towson University: TU

  • University of Baltimore: UB

  • University of Baltimore Law Library: BL

  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC): BC

  • University of Maryland, College Park: CP

  • University of Maryland, Eastern Shore: ES

  • University of Maryland Health Sciences and Human Services Library: HS

  • University of Maryland Law Library: ML

  • University of Maryland University College: UC

User Name





Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian