10-11-11 LIMS Meeting Notes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

10-11-11 LIMS Meeting Notes

  1. Reports and Announcements

    1. ASTG

      1. Gathering feedback from the forum

      2. GIST discussion

        1. ASTG has been asked to possibly work with RSTG to look at GIST

        2. GIST training has moved over to ILLiad Atlas people

        3. UMBC will move ahead with investigating GIST for possible implementation.

    2. CPC -

      1. Tiffany did a presentation for CPC on UMBC's Patron Driven Acquisitions pilot project.  As a result of this presentation and discussion a new Item Process Status (IPS) for PDAs will be created. The new code will be PA. UMBC would be able to use this item processing status for their PDAs as well. When items are purchased, the PA status should be changed to [blank] or whatever other code applies. This will allow for batch retrieval of those that still have a PA in the IPS.

      2. K. Glennan created a spreadsheet that contained validation and indexing recommendations from Technical Bulletin #260 so that the group could discuss her recommendations.  Before implementing, the information will be shared with the CatDBM COI and UITG.

      3. K. Glennan shared information about the options that LTI offers for processing RDA records.

      4. Discussed the revised charge from CLD for the group that will gather and analyze information about how academic and research libraries catalog serials.

      5. Round Robin -- CP has started their Leisure Reading Collection for leased books; CP's Metadata Services Department has started an RDA Interest Group to start learning RDA and creating test records.

    3. ECTG

      1. Forum was very well received

      2. SFX Transition -- currently working with Ex Libris on the customizations

      3. Working on January renewals

      4. Next meeting is in November

    4. UITG

      1. Tutorial subgroup may meet next week -- proposals for Janet to take to the group:  agile approach, post as they are completed and edit later; get instructions up first and then add the video.

  2. Director's Report (Minutes are posted on the CLD site)## Last meeting was mid September

    1. May or may not have news for the ILSD search.  This is the full-time position.  Carlen was never full-time.  The job has been posted.

    2. The Lyrasis MOU was discussed.

    3. Another straw poll was taken about discovery tools.  The two leading candidates for a discovery tool are:  EBSCO EDS and WCL.

    4. Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 20, 2011.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian