9-6-11 Meeting Minutes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

9-6-11 Meeting Minutes

  1. Reports and Announcements

    1. ECTG/ASTG/CPC are co-sponsoring a forum.  The task group chairs are planning.  The Task Groups agreed to reserve and then offer some seats so that members of MLA/TSD could attend attend. 

    2. ECTG --

      1. SFX will be migrating to the cloud.  It should not affect end users but those who use the back end will see changes.

    3. UITG --

      1. Working on usability study for discovery tools.  When it becomes available, Janet will see if she can send the summary to LIMS.

      2. Working on a project to imbed tutorials within Aleph and ResearchPort.

  2. Director's Report -- (minutes have been posted on the CLD's USMAI page)

    1. ITD Manager was approved and posted

    2. Discussions are ongoing as to whether an executive director is needed for USMAI

    3. Lyrasis service was discussed

    4. There have been a couple of WorldCat Local sessions and perhaps we can schedule a brown bag discussion at UMBC

    5. CLD meets again next week.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian