Setting up the PuTTY SSH Client

Setting up the PuTTY SSH Client

Secure Shell (SSH) software allows one to access remote systems securely by encrypting connections between the server and client. PuTTY is an open-source SSH client popular on Windows.

Installing PuTTY

PuTTY Download URL: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html 

  1. Go to the PuTTY download page and download the MSI installer file for your operating system. If you have a computer purchased in the last year, this will probably be "64-bit x86" version ( putty-64bit-0.XX-installer.msi ).

  2. Once your download completes, double-click the .msi file to start the installation process.

Logging in with PuTTY

  1. When you start the PuTTY application, you'll be presented with this initial configuration dialog. You can change various options here, and also save and load multiple configurations.

  2. To get started quickly

    1. Enter "gl.umbc.edu" in the Host Name field

    2. Confirm that the Port is "22"

    3. Confirm that Connection type is set to SSH

    4. Click the Open button.

  3. The next screen is PuTTY's terminal.

    1. At the "login as:" prompt, enter your username and press the <Enter> key.

    2. At the "Password:" prompt, type your password and press the <Enter> key. Note: Your password will not be displayed as you type it (nor will any other text) so don't be alarmed.

    3. At the Duo multi-factor authentication prompt, enter your verification option and press the <Enter> key.

    4. After successfully passing the Duo authentication, you will be logged in.

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