GL Troubleshooting

GL Troubleshooting

Login Issues

Are you using the correct settings?

The correct settings to access GL are as follows:

Host: gl.umbc.edu

Port: 22 (that should be the default, but if you have to put one, it’s port 22)

Type: SSH

Are you using the correct username?

When you created your UMBC account, you picked a username. It’s usually not your Campus ID, but you could have picked that if you wanted to. You must login with your myUMBC username, not your email address or any aliases you may have created.

Are you typing the correct password?

Your password for GL is the same as you would use to login to myUMBC. (Note: DoIT will never ask for your password, please do not send it to us as part of a ticket.)

Are you selecting a verification method at the Duo Multi-factor Authentication prompt?

The GL systems now require Duo multi-factor authentication when logging in. After entering your username and password, you may be presented with a Duo prompt where you need to select a verification option to continue.

I am getting a 'key mismatch' or 'bad ssh key' error.  What do I do?

Before the fall semester of 2018, the keys for linux.gl.umbc.edu (also gl.umbc.edu) were changed to address current security recommendations.  You can accept the new key if you have not done so after August 23, 2018.

If you're running Linux or MacOSX - directions to do this are here: How do I manage host keys in my SSH known_hosts file?

Other Issues

I’m getting a weird error when running a command.

You may be running out of disk quota. To check this, type “fs lq” and compare your “Quota” number to your “Used” number. If your “Used” number is at or above your quota, consider deleting large files. You can use the command “find . -size 10M -print” in your home directory to find files larger than 10 megabytes.

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