What HTML tags can I use in Blackboard?

You can add HTML or CSS to an Ultra document using the HTML block. While you must know how to write HTML to use this feature, here are some common HTML tags that might be helpful if you want to use this feature.




Tags used at the beginning and end of every document


Start and ends document information: title of page. Does not show in browser.


Starts and ends body of document. Documents have ONE body tag; all background and link color info. goes in this one tag. 
<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff"> for a solid white background 
<BODY background="beige.gif"> uses an image file for a background. As with any image reference, the image must be in the same directory as the HTML file.


Link color can be changed by placing these tags within the <BODY> tag, along with any background information.

<h1>Title of Document</h1> 

Enlarges text and places space around it. Varies in size from H1 to H6, with each getting progressively smaller. 

<a href="http://...">text</a>

Links text to a particular web document. (external link)

<a href="#textname">text</a>

Works with a target or name tag to link to text within the same web page.(internal link)

<a name="textname">text</a>

Target or name tag used for internal link.

<img src="https://www.../pix.gif">

Places the selected image in document. No ending tag needed.

<a href="mailto:me@umbc.edu"></a>

Creates an email link 

<font size=+1>text</font> 
<font color="#ff00ff">text</font>

Enlarges text from +1 to +7 
Changes color of font between tags.

<hr />

Horizontal rule: places a line across page. No need for an end tag. Images may also be inserted as horizontal rules.

<br />

Line break

<p>paragraph text</p>

Paragraph break. Double spaces before next text.


Centers text horizontally


Makes text bold


Makes text italic


Unordered, bulleted list. The <li>...</li> tags marks each bulleted item


Ordered lists where list items <li>...</li> are numbered


Indents text

adapted from NIU's HTML Tags for Blackboard