How do I use the "Transportation" section in the Pre-Approval?

Use this section to estimate all travel costs associated with transportation. The Transportation drop down options include:



Rental Car

Ride Sharing





Plane, Train and Taxi/Bus

  • Travel estimates require a date for travel, locations to and from (relevant to the travel type - city, airport code, actual address, etc.) and amount. Use the comment section to share additional information. For airline travel, please use the airport code for domestic airports and city/state if an airport code is not available for international airports.

  • Three-letter airport codes covering the United States can be found here.

  • If a round-trip ticket is a single cost item, use a single row to define “from/to” with the departure date from the drop down. If your tickets have costs broken down for each leg of the trip, and you want to use multiple rows to define the estimated costs, you have the ability to do so.

  • You cannot submit the Travel Pre-Approval with zero-cost rows.

  • Remember that the Travel Pre-Approval is gathering estimated costs for budget authorization and approvals.


Rental Car, Ride Sharing, Parking, Tolls, Other

  • Travel estimates require an amount and also include a comment section to share additional information.

 Personal Car Mileage

  • Use the “Other” category to estimate mileage and associated costs when using your personal vehicle.

  • The mileage reimbursement rate is posted at the top of the screen.