How do I set up my VOIP voicemail?

How do I set up my VOIP voicemail?

To Call Voicemail Using Your VOIP Phone

On your VOIP phone, press the Messages button.


To Call Voicemail from Another On-Campus Phone or From Off-Campus

Dial x58880 from an on campus phone (including the Columbus Center) or dial 410-455-8880 from an off campus phone or cell phone.

Do NOT enter your extension number when the system answers and says "... you may dial an extension at any time".  Instead, press *, then when prompted for your ID, enter your 4 or 5 digit extension number and press #.

Setting Up Your Voicemail

 The voicemail system will ask for your PIN/passcode. You will need to enter the default PIN/passcode.  If you were not given your initial PIN/passcode, please open a support request ticket by clicking on "REQUEST HELP" on the side of this page.


Since this is your first time calling to check voicemail, the system will prompt you to set or change the following:


  • Record your name

  • Record a personal greeting that callers will here when you do not answer

  • Change your your PIN/passcode

  • Choose whether you will be listed in the directory.  (Callers can reach your extension by spelling or saying your name.) 


Once you are finished following the prompts, hang up.   


Voicemail to Email

Some voicemail boxes are set up to send a copy of voicemail messages to your email address.  When someone leaves a voicemail message for you in your voicemail box, a copy of your voicemail message will be sent directly to your email account. You can listen to the message from your email on your computer or by using email on your smartphone. Simply delete the email to delete the voicemail from your email inbox. If your voicemail also leaves the message in the voicemail box, you will also need to delete the message from your VOIP voicemail box by calling voicemail.



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