How do I set default directories in WinSCP?

How do I set default directories in WinSCP?

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If you always upload and download to and from the same directories, you can configure WinSCP to start your session in the same Remote and/or Local directories.

  1. Beginning at the Login window when you start WinSCP, highlight your session, for example, gl.umbc.edu and click the Load button on the right.

  2. Click the Directories option under Environment on the left.

  3. Enter the Remote directory field. Web publishers, enter the directory your web site resides; either "afs/umbc.edu/users/j/s/jsmith/public/www/data/something/something" for your personal web site.

  4. Click the button on the right of the Local directory field and select the directory where you want to begin. Web publishers should select the directory on your computer where you store the site's web files.

  5. After choosing a Local directory, click Save and follow the prompts.