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Attendance  Eileen, Erik, Roy, Gabriel until 1245

Date & Time 11/10/2022, 1200-1415

Spaces Occupied: 401, Control Room, Dome


  1. Investigate security camera installation

  2. Identify trash stuffs

  3. Get remaining todos identified/logged


  1. Gabriel and Roy cleaned things a bit

    1. identified trash

    2. tidied space

  2. Rim around dome is wooden, removing foam (and bird detritus) should be straightforward, just gross

  3. Reinstalled BlueIris (for security cameras) on DC.

    1. Downloaded v5 directly from https://blueirissoftware.com/#download

    2. License Key (in Eileen's name) in email between Roy/Eileen subject line "FWD: Delivery information for "Blue Iris (full)"..." from Jun 14, 2022

    3. Need students to check these out

Other notes

  1. Blue Iris needs to be reinstalled on DC – DONE

  2. On cameras

    1. 4x for general purpose

    2. 1x for audio?

    3. Check with Eileen

  3. Other UPS for powering everything else behind TCS desk

  4. We need MNCP Active in DFMTCS in order to use TheSky6

    1. DFMTCS→ Options → Communication → MNCP Tab


  1. Remove rope light around rim of DFM scope

  2. Install new anti-glare material

  3. Test attaching small security camera to scope periphery to view mirror door operation

  4. Remove foam loosely nailed to rim of Dome

  5. @Roy Prouty , put in networks request for static IPs for the ethernet ports in the dome. 

    1. 3 in dome

    2. 2 on atmo platform

    3. all for cameras

    4. 4,5,6 in dome, 13, 14 on atmo platform

  6. List for keeling over scope

    1. attach camera to support for mirror doors

    2. reattach anti-glare (flocking) to light baffle

    3. remove rope lights

    4. game plan for cleaning primary mirror

  7. Check with Bill

    1. Number of upcoming observation nights before we're good for proof of concept

    2. data pls

  8. get info on how bruce weaver(?) cleaned their primary mirror

  9. work with students on camera setup

  10. buy longer ethernet cables for in-dome security cameras

  11. room rearrangement

    1. desk 

    2. get rid of books on current shelf

    3. wall shelving?

  12. Ask erik about ceiling tiles installed

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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (roy.prouty@umbc.edu)