Poor Seeing, NINA testing

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Poor Seeing, NINA testing




Onkar and Roy


PHYS 401, 433C, Dome


  1. Calibration Frame for pretty objects


  1. Opened Dome

  2. Opened Mirror Doors

  3. Bundled GAM cables

  4. Connected on axis camera (ZWO ASI294MM Pro)

  5. Took sky flats in on-axis and spotter scope

  6. Moved to Arcturus for pointing and seeing frame

    1. 8.4 +- 0.4 pix FWHM via SharpCap for OA

    2. 7.415 +- 0.1 pix FWHM via SharpCap for Spotter

  7. Moved to NGC 6633 in south eastern sky

    1. Used PHD2 for collecting stacking frames and some long exposures (45s)

    2. Saw that PHD2 was still causing short frames to jump around in on axis FoV

  8. Moved to M 81 in north western sky

  9. Frames all seem sky-dominated

  10. PHD2 is also jumping around more than we saw last time

  11. SEEEEEE?

  12. Tried to see what NINA(Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy)

    1. Is kinda cool

    2. Some bumps wrt shared mounts/COM ports

    3. Onkar will figure out after the GAM is fixed

    4. AFTER

  13. Closed up

    1. Scope at Zenith

    2. Mirror doors closed

    3. Dome closed

    4. ASI 294MM stowed in 433C cabinet



  1. Investigate finderscope : main scope angular resolution ratios for the purposes of autoguiding

    1. Could this be the issue with PHD2 jumping?





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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (roy.prouty@umbc.edu)