UMBC Observatory Wiki!
UMBC Observatory Group Wiki Page
1. How to Use the Telescope
2. Observational Astronomy
3. Inventory
Any new piece of equipment should be be listed in the Inventory Spreadsheet linked below and should come with an appropriate sub-page to this wiki describing its location, how to use it, and expected function.
The master Observatory Inventory Spreadsheet is located in the Shared Google Drive "UMBC Observatory", under "Documentation" > "Inventory and Purchases" > "Observatory Inventory". This link is a direct link to the Google Sheet, requiring UMBC login. Item technical descriptions is organized by location as listed in the Inventory Spreadsheet.
4. Observatory Group
The Observatory Group is comprised of a paid Director, paid Interns, and unpaid Volunteers. The duties and responsibilities of all members are guided by the mission as well as by written agreements between the Director and other members.
5. Files
A listing of important files for use as reference is kept within this wiki. Links to these lists can be found below.
DFM File List (Requires Special Permissions; ask Roy if you think you should have access)
6. Events
7. Website
8. This Wiki
Recent Blog Posts
Blog stream
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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (