Observing Session - Delrin and Autoguiding
UMBC Observatory Wiki!
Observing Session - Delrin and Autoguiding
OBS/AstroPol: Onkar, Tara, Shrey briefly
Viewers: Azzan, "lrtole", Craig Younkings
Guests: 2 cool guys
Spaces Occupied
401, 433C, dome
- Install mirror door piston thing
- Observe/Autoguiding study of:
- Venus
- Denebola
- 3C273
- M104
- Startup
- Opened dome approx. 6:45PM
- Turned on fan/vent
- connected cameras via sharpcap on data computer (dc)
- opened phd2 and connected mount
- opened dfmtcs, ascom, ts6 on control computer (cc)
- flipped on drives, autodome, track, MTR DRIVER CHASIS and unlatched halt motors
- Mirror door piston thingy
- installed delrin part onto the mirror door piston
- very tight fit, holes not completely lined up but made do
- attempted installation onto motor assembly
- way way wayyyyyyyyyyy too tight, got it on most of the way but had to brute force it on
- could not get it on the last bit, possible error in the threads/tap of inner lead screw bit
- brought the piston/delrin assembly down to control room for further inspection by eric
- installed delrin part onto the mirror door piston
- slewed to moon
- did this approx 8:00PM
- pointing way off, eyeballed it onto view and set object position
- still too bright to set focus yet
- Venus
- very bright
- hard to get in focus
- took 10 frames 2 min apart each in visible and ultraviolet filters using the ASI294MM
- Denebola
- easier to get in focus
- set object position
- took 10 frames 2 min apart each in visible and ultraviolet filters using the ASI294MM
- Mars
- blurry but pretty
- took 10 frames 2 min apart each in visible and ultraviolet filters using the ASI294MM
- Quasar Hunting
- 8C 0958+561
- Transits at 20:53
- cant find it
- NGC2079
- nice tiny smudge on finder
- took capture
- M104
- took a capture in V, R and B for 60s exposures each
- looks great in V
- had autoguiding going at 30s exposures on the finder for this one
- taking 5 min exposures in v, b and r
- 3c273
- success
- 5 frames taken 1 min apart in V filter at 1 min exposures
- phd2 autoguiding to something
- taking a 5 min exposure in U and UV
- also doubles as proof autoguiding is working due to lack of smearing
- 8C 0958+561
- Disaster
- sad.jif
- switched over to fits and confirmed settings for everything else
- retook r, v, and b images for M104, 5 min exposure per frame
- retook r, v, b, and uv images for 3C273, 5 min exposure per frame
- all non-png files are labeled as example_FITS for easier navigation
- that freaking sucks, here's a sombrero
- Closing up
- slewed to zenith
- turned off all MDC switches
- closed dome shutters and visually confirmed closure
- uninstalled on-axis camera
- turned off exhaust fan
- turned off remote network power switch
- turned off all programs on dc and cc
- cried about bad images
- fix delrin parts or thread them slightly bigger
- take a shot for every png image taken
- galaxies are cool
- DISASTER, most of our images were in PNGS, pls refer to the ones labeled "fits" to find the actual fits images
Wunderground is reporting ~10% cloud coverage and weather.gov is reporting slightly higher (~20%). Transparency and seeing are average/below average. Again, not ideal conditions, but we live in Maryland so I'm keeping my standards low.
Normal place, synced to Google Drive
, multiple selections available,
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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (roy.prouty@umbc.edu)