Advising History - Viewing Advising Notes
Before You Begin...
The Advising History provides the opportunity to view past advising session notes, campus communications, and other academic related notes for a particular student.
Step by Step
1. Go to myUMBC and navigate to Topics > Advising & Student Support > Advising Center.
2. Search for a student using the Empl ID or Campus ID number (The most accurate way to locate a student is to ask for the student's Campus ID number. If you do not have access to the number, you can search for the student using the PeopleSoft search for the campus ID field.).
3. Ensure the correct Institution, Career and Term fields are entered in the fields provided.
4. Click on the Advising History link.
5. To view an advising note, click the arrow to the left of the Session Date you wish to view. (add red box to graphic)
SA Tip
Once an Advising Note has been saved it becomes an historical record. You will be unable to add comments or notes to an existing advising note that has already been saved and closed.