Transfer Credit Reports

Transfer Credit Reports

Before You Begin...

The Transfer Credit Report details which credits were transferred from other institutions to UMBC, if the course(s) were accepted by UMBC, and the UMBC equivalency of coursework.  You can also see the grades that students earned in each transfer course. 

Each Institution that the student attended will be listed separately on the Transfer Credit Report. 

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Step by Step

1. Go to myUMBC and navigate to Topics > Advising & Student Support > Advising Center.

2. Search for a student using the Empl ID (this is the 10 digit ID number).  (The most accurate way to locate a student is to ask for the student's Campus ID number.  If you do not have access to the number, you can search for the student using the PeopleSoft search for the campus ID field.) 

3. Ensure the correct Institution, Career and Term fields are entered in the fields provided.

4. Select the Transfer Credit link.  The Transfer Credit report is opened for the selected student.


Note the following for interpreting the column headers:

  • Transfer Term: The term in which the student transferred the course.

  • Incoming Course: Course from the transfer institution.

  • Status: Indicates if the course was accepted and applied at UMBC.

    • Posted: Course was accepted and posted to the student’s UMBC record.

    • Not Transferable: Course was not accepted and not posted to the student’s UMBC record.

    • Info Needed: More information is needed from the student to make a determination of equivalency at UMBC.

  • Equivalent Course: The UMBC equivalent of the transferred course.

  • Units: The number of course credits applied.

  • Grade: Grade student earned at the transfer institution. A ‘T’ (i.e.: BT) after the letter grade indicates that the course is transfer credit and not included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative UMBC GPA.






SA Tip

If you see a note that says "more info needed, the student must complete an Evaluation of Transfer Credit/Course Description Review form via the Registrar's Office.  The student will need to provide the course syllabus and description for the course in question.

Still Need Help?

Submit an RT Ticket to the Transfer Credit Services Team in the Registrar's Office.


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