The Advising Center
The Advising Center
- Susan Dawson
Owned by Susan Dawson
Before You Begin...
The Advising Center is the single location where advisors can go to perform all relevant advising actions, such as:
- Advising Authorization- clear a student to enroll in classes
- New Advising Notes - enter new advising notes about what transpires during an advising session
- Advising History - view advising notes previously entered
- Advising Profile - view test scores, high school, GPA, transfer courses, test credit, milestones and current enrollments
- Search for Classes - search the Schedule of Classes
- Degree Audit Report - generate a degree audit report for the selected student
- Course History - a list of courses 'completed' or 'in progress', the term taken and the grade received
- Class Schedule - courses for which the student is currently enrolled
- Grade Report - grades received by term
- Unofficial Transcript - an unofficial transcript for the selected student
- Transfer Credit Report - transfer and test credit received by the university
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Step by Step
1. Go to myUMBC and navigate to Topics > Advising & Student Support > Advising Center.
2. Search for a student using the Empl ID (this is the Campus ID number). (Go to http://www.umbc.edu/search/directory/advanced/ to locate a student's campus ID number.)
3. Ensure the correct Institution, Career and Term fields are entered in the fields provided.
Once you select the student and ensure the additional fields are accurate you can view the student information as well as enter Advising Notes for the student.
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