Equatorial Tracking Study

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Equatorial Tracking Study




Roy, Shreyansh, Matt, Connor, Gabriel, Natalie, Tara, Azzan

Spaces Occupied

401, 433C, Dome


  1. Set standards for measuring seeing with DFM Scope

  2. Discuss calibration frames for DFM Scope

  3. Plan and execute observation plan


  1. CC:

    1. DFM TCS

    2. ASCOM Dome

    3. TheSky6

  2. DC:

    1. Blue Iris Admin

    2. SharpCap

  3. CC: Opened Dome; ASCOM Dome: Connect > Open

  4. Connected Cameras

    1. Planetary Camera to On-Axis, using LBD1 Cable

    2. Deep-Sky Camera to Finder Scope using Icron Extender Box

  5. Cameras connected without issue

  6. Collected flats on planetary camera

  7. Opened Mirror Doors

    1. CC: DFM TCS; Telescope > Misc > Switches/Mirror Doors > Open Mirror Doors

  8. CC: TS6; Established Connection; 

  9. Chose to point on Capella (not Mars) :'( ← Matt

  10. Had to true-up dome-telescope azimuth alignment

  11. Couldn't point on Capella → went to Mars ... it kinda worked

  12. Moved to small star to adjust focus, got to 11 FWHM

  13. Auto-doming didn't work

    1. It just didn't track to NGC 2068. We manually aligned using Scope/Dome reported azimuth

    2. While manually moving the dome, it kept going .... had to disable

  14. Cataloged all transit times for NGCs Connor provided

    1. Decided to go for NGC 2068, then NGC 2232, then NGC 2301

  15. Set each for 3 frames five minutes apart

  16. Argument about pineapple on pizza ensued

  17. Telescope and dome are again out of alignment


  19. Looked at Great Orion Nebula, looked at Mars, 

  20. attempted look at 3c273 too close to the horizon to see

  21. Azzan and Matt went around on the roof to check the location of the dome relative to DFM scope 

  22. briefly looked at a software to find a way to get objects' transit time and altitude instead of handwriting them

    1. astroplan was too messy 

    2. Roy looked at something else but it must not have worked?

  23. argued about how to pronounce LaTeX and gif 

    1. Decided Roy was correct

  24. Slewed to zenith

  25. Closed mirror doors

  26. Closed dome

  27. Took down cameras


Get Pizza (w/ pineapple) NO


15.042''/s in AUX TRACK is NOT the same as 15.042''/s in TRACK – no idea why

Still need to:

  1. Set standards for measuring seeing with DFM Scope

  2. Discuss calibration frames for DFM Scope


Weather Forecast: 6-7% cloud coverage, humidity in the 40-50% range. 

Wunderground: Below 4% cloud coverage after 8pm, humidity ~45%. 

Astrospheric: Cloud coverage is excellent, transparency is pretty good, seeing is below average. 

ClearDarkSky: Both cloud coverage and transparency is excellent, seeing is poor. 


Flats saved in "D:\SharpCap Captures\2023-02-13"

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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (roy.prouty@umbc.edu)