UMBC Observatory Wiki!
ZTF Comet
Tara, Onkar, Matt, Connor, Gabriel, Roy
Spaces Occupied
PHYS 306A, 401, 433C, Dome, Roof
Find and understand adapter plates for planetary CMOS
Look at ZTF
Collect tracking sensitivity frames for analysis
Determine ZTF positions
Found ThorLabs LCP8S and SM2 IMT (TMA4) for planetary CMOS
Began thermalizing dome
Dome shutters opened via ASCOM Dome Control Panel on first try
Connecting Deep-Sky CMOS to finderscope
Connecting planetary CMOS to on-axis port
Navigated to "Outlet Control" in Bookmarks bar, logged in and turned on power to Outlet 1
Opened SharpCap, it connected to Deep Sky CMOS without issue over icron USB extender
While dealing with finding the right adapter for the planetary CMOS, we slewed to the Moon (See captures)
Then went to Jupiter, but began to encounter clouds
We tried to determine the average FWHM, but only with camera settings
Went to Aldebaran
manually adjusted focus on finder scope
Finally figured out how to connect planetary CMOS to main scope
Went back to Zenith, disabled tracking
Opened Mirror Doors
Slewed to Aldebaran and enabled tracking
Main Scope view didn't see anything but noise
Finderscope saw Aldebaran
Changed focus on main scope to, minimizing FWHM of Aldebaran
Pointed at Mars, focus is at 2075
Stored Mars object position (DFM TCS → Initialization → Telescope Position → hit "Use next object position" and hit apply)
Slewed to Beetlejuice
Slewed to M42
Roy turned off the vnc service Gabriel was connected to and didn't enable it again. Gabriel is very mad.
Attempting to slew to comet ZTF, using sidereal tracking rate
Pointed the finder scope to ZTF, can't confirm if main telescope is pointed to it.
All of our cameras are more sensitive to green spectrum of light
Roy is waiting
We used ephemeris from jplhorizons
Disconnecting thesky6 (terminating telescope link)
Stowed telescope at zenith (heard thump)
South mirror door fell due to not having a pin
jerry-rigging south door pin
slew to zenith for second time
Closed mirror doors
Camera Connection CONUNDRUM
Planetary CMOS connected via LBD2 not appearing in SharpCap
Connected planetary CMOS via Icron USB Extender and it worked
when it says "Approaching limits" in DFM it will refuse to slew until you use a hand paddle to slew it out of the limit zone
Data collected stored in _______ locally and _______ remotely.
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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (