Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Minutes from 6-10-08 Meeting

  • Present:  Janet Hack (JH), Michelle Flinchbaugh (MF), Lindsey Loeper (LL)

  • Announcements:

    • One no longer needs to log in to view the Library Wiki

    • LEC has approved our suggestions presented to them at the 6/3/08 meeting, including:

      • Making an archive folder in AllShare and moving all data there from before 2005

      • Creating a new directory structure on the I-Drive (limited to full access directories only) and distributing AllShare data to them

      • Moving the Library Procedures Manual to Confluence

      • Training plan for Confluence

  • Per LEC approval, we began to archive everything older than 2006 in the AllShare folder on the I-Drive in the "2008Archive" subfolder within AllShare

    • Some folders were unable to be moved to the archive folder, "Access Denied," -- JH will ask May

    • JH will send out an email to library staff to inform them that we have begun archiving information from the AllShare folder

  • New Structure for I-Drive

    • Departments and all other folders stay where they are on the I-Drive

    • We will send a request to OIT to make the following folders on the I-Drive on the same level as the Departments, etc.,:

      • A full access folder, "Committees" for committee and working group documents.




        • Within this folder will be subfolders for specific committees, e.g. CDMWG, Cheers, CONTENTdm, PR&Marketing, etc.  However, we believe LEC will stay in LibDocs



      • A full access folder, "Multi-Departmental" or "Interdepartmental" which will hold documents that multiple departments use



      • A full access folder, "AllLibrary" or "Library-Wide" for library-wide documents and information

  • Moving Procedures Manual to Confluence:

    • JH's student can copy existing guidelines into Confluence

    • We may make 2 Tables of Contents to the guidelines

      • One TOC could be for internal use, with revision date and responsible parties

      • The second would be for those outside the library



      • It may be possible to make policies as children of a particular section, so that we can display all the children as the TOC

        • JH will test this out

    • We will tag the guidelines with appropriate labels

      • Probably each member of the group will get a section to tag

    • We will do some usability testing after tagging to make sure that appropriate documents are retrieved and information needs are met

  • Confluence Training Plan

    • JH will email Collier at OIT to see if they're going to offer Confluence training; and if so when it will take place

    • LEC members expressed interest in having departments who have implemented the use of Confluence share what they've done with other deparments

    • HM came up with the idea to have a training session where we would make a library cookbook using the wiki

      • SG and LL will talk to HM about doing this training session together

      • LL came up with the idea to give away copies of an old library cookbook away as prizes

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian