Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Circulation FAQ - General Information
General Library Information
What hours are you open? Where can I get a copy of the hours?
A list of library hours can be found on the front end of the range of bookshelves closest to the return desk. Today’s hours are listed on the library homepage ( You can also link to the semester hours - click on the ‘About the Library’ tab and choose Hours. Patrons can pick up copies of the hours at the Security Desk.
Where are you located? How do I get there?
Directions to campus can be found in the Circulation Bible and the Circulation Policy Manual. You can also find a link to them on the Library homepage - click on the ‘About the Library’ tab and choose Directions.
Where can you park?
The closest visitor parking can be found at the bottom of Walker Avenue, next to the library or on the top level of the Walker Avenue parking garage.
Do you have to pay visitor parking? How much does it cost? Do you have change?
Visitor parking is available at ‘Pay to Park’ spaces. Visitors pay at the pay station and must properly display the receipt on the front dash of the vehicle. Pay Stations for visitor ‘Pay to Park’ spaces are ADA compliant and visitors with a disabled plate/placard will need to pay when parking in these areas. Visitor parking spaces are located at Administration Drive Garage upper level. Visitor parking is $2.00 per hour and payable by MasterCard, Visa or exact currency, no change or refunds provided. Visitor parking is enforced Monday-Friday from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.
Can I bring drinks into the library? Can I eat in the library?
You can bring drinks (in a closed container) into all parts of the library. Food is allowed in the library with some exceptions. Food is not allowed in the Bibliographic Instruction Room (room 259), The Digital Media Lab, the Special Collections Reading Room, the Library Gallery, and at or near the photocopiers, printers and microform readers. Alcoholic beverages, parties and food preparation are not allowed. Finally, food deliveries can only be made in the Atrium.
Can you purchase food and drink in the library? If so, where?
Pura Vida (which sells coffee, tea, baked goods and sandwiches) is located in the Atrium of the library. There are also food and drink vending machines in the RLC. Both locations accept cash, red UMBC ID cards and Guest cards as payment.
Where can I find magazines / newspapers / journals? Can I check them out?
Magazines, newspapers and journals are kept in the Serials Department, which is located on the second floor of the library. They are for in-library use only.
Where can I find CDs, DVDs, videos, media reserves and headphones? Can I check them out? Is there a fee?
The Library Media collection is located on the second floor of the library. CDs, DVDs, and videos can be borrowed for 7 days (with 1 renewal) at no charge by UMBC Faculty, Staff and Students. Headphones are available at the Check-out Desk and have a 7 hour loan period. Overdue Media items are liable to fines of $2.00/day to a maximum of $50.00/item. All other patrons can use Media materials in the library only.
I don’t go to UMBC. How can I access the computers?
You can get a Guest Pass from the Check-Out Desk or Reference Desk upon presentation of a government issued picture ID. The login is good for one day on any computer in the library.
Where is the catalog?
We use an on-line catalog called ‘catalogusmai’ and it can be reached from the library homepage ( You can also access it from any public computer or by using the Information Kiosks on the high tables in the Reference area and opposite the front elevators on floors 3 - 7. Just click on the Library Catalog tab and you are connected to the catalog.
Where are the stacks? Where is [x] call number?
The Circulating Stacks are found on floors 3 - 7. The Reference Stacks are on the 1st floor and the Serials stacks are on the 2nd floor and in the lower level of the library. There are directories next to the elevators, inside the elevators and on the stair landings for each floor which list the location of your call number.
How can I find items my professor has put on Reserve?
Go to an Information Kiosk (found on the Check-Out Desk, the high tables in the Reference area and opposite the front elevators on floors 3 – 7) and click on the Course Reserve tab.
Use the pull down menu to choose a department. Click on “Show Reserves”.
Click on your course.
For each listing, the Reserve Number is listed in bold type. Write it down and give it to someone at the Circulation Desk.
NOTE: If your course is not listed, we do not have any Reserves available at this time.
NOTE: Reserve numbers consisting of E followed by a number are electronic reserves and can be accessed by computer using the class username and password. They cannot be accessed at an Information Kiosk.
How many books can I check out? Can I renew them? If so, then how do I renew?
There is no limit to the number of UMBC items that faculty, staff and students can check out.
There is no limit to the number of times faculty, staff and students can renew a UMBC book, unless another patron has requested it. Other campuses do have limits on renewal and once you reach the limit the book must be returned.
UMBC Media items can only be renewed once. Reserves cannot be renewed.
Items from the Leisure Reading Collection (located next to the Circulation Desk) can only be loaned to UMBC faculty, staff and students; they can be renewed twice.
Special Borrowers are limited to 25 books (10 for high school students) and 2 renewals.
You can renew items either by bringing them to the Circulation Desk or online in My Account in the catalog. You cannot renew items over the phone.
Where can I return books? Do you have a drop box for returning books? Do I have to take them back to the library where I borrowed them?
Books can be returned by placing them in the return bin at the Circulation Desk or bringing them up to the desk personally. There is also a drop box for returning books in the Atrium to the left of the entrance to the RLC. You can return books from any of the USM libraries at UMBC or at any of the USM libraries. We suggest that you get a return receipt if you use one of the other USM libraries.
How can I pay for any fines or fees that I owe to UMBC?
You can pay your fines or fees with money on your red UMBC ID card or with a UMBC Guest Card or with a check made out to UMBC. You can fill out paperwork to pay using a credit card. We DO NOT accept cash, or debit cards. (Note: You cannot use any Flex dollars on your UMBC ID.)
Can I get a Locker or a study room for the semester? Is there a charge?
UMBC undergraduates and graduate students can apply for a semester Locker. UMBC faculty can apply for a faculty study room for the semester. You can apply online by going to the library home page ( Click on the “Services” tab. Scroll down to General Services and click on Lockers & Study Rooms. Fill out the online application and submit it. You will receive an email detailing how and when to pick up your key.
There is no charge to get a locker or study room. However, the keys are subject to fines if they are returned late. If the key is lost you will be assessed lost key & processing fees.
I just need a locker for the day. Are there any available? Is there a charge?
There are daily lockers available to UMBC Faculty, Staff and Students on the 4th floor at no charge. However, the key is subject to hourly fines if it is returned late. If the key is lost you will be assessed lost key & processing fees.
Do you have study rooms for student use? Is there a charge?
We do have Group Study Rooms for UMBC student, faculty and staff use located on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors on a first come/first served basis. Some of the rooms have white boards (you can borrow a dry-erase marker) and some have chalk boards. Room 458 has a computer in it.
The group must consist of at least 2 people to be eligible. The rooms are available for 2 hours. The key cannot be renewed during Finals, but can be renewed during the rest of the semester as long as no one is waiting to sign out a room.
There is no charge to get a group study room. However, the key and/or dry erase marker is subject to hourly fines if it is returned late. If the key and/or marker is lost you will be assessed a lost charge & processing fees.
There are also conference rooms on the 5th and 6th floors which are available on a first come/first served basis.
The RLC Seminar Room can be reserved by a group for a maximum of 2 hours up to 7 days in advance. You can apply online by going to the library home page. Click on the “Services” tab. Scroll down to General Services and click on Lockers & Study Rooms. Go to the Retriever Learning Center Seminar Room section of the page and click on the ‘RLC Room Reservation Form’ link. Available times will be filled with a ‘Reserve’ button. Click on your desired time and fill out the form, noting the length of the reservation and your group name. Click on the ‘Reserve Now’ button to make the reservation. If a group arrives more than 15 minutes late it forfeits the reservation.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian