How do I manage access to a Shared Mailbox?

How do I manage access to a Shared Mailbox?

As of June 2024, we changed the way we manage access to Shared Mailboxes. We now have a Google Group for each Shared Mailbox. This Google Group (named the same as the Shared Mailbox, but with "-access" at the end) is only used to consolidate the users who should have access to the Shared Mailbox. What's more, the Google Group can have one or more owners that each can control the membership of the Google Group, thereby granting access to the Shared Mailbox.

As an example the Shared Mailbox "shared@umbc.edu" will have an associated "shared-access@umbc.edu" Google Group. The "shared-access@umbc.edu" Google Group will grant access to "shared@umbc.edu" to all of its members.

The owner will be able to manage access to this Shared Mailbox by adding or removing users from this group. To access these and other settings for this group, the owner should go to http://groups.umbc.edu. You can manage the groups you are an owner of, add members, and change settings through that interface.

You can access the shared mailbox by going to Gmail Web GUI and clicking your profile then clicking the mailbox address under "manage your google account".

  • How do I access Google Groups?

    • To access the Google Group, the owner/members can go to http://groups.umbc.edu

    • Google Groups can also be accessed via Google Suite.

      • From the Google browser, locate the 3x3 icon in the top right corner. 

      • Click the icon and scroll down until you see the Groups icon.

      • From there, you will be able to view and access all of your Google Groups.

  • How do I manage my Google Group?

For additional questions, please visit: Google Groups Help

  • Changes that still require an RT ticket:

    • Activating/Creating a Shared Mailbox/Google Group

    • Deactivating/Deleting a Shared Mailbox/Google Group

    • Allowing users outside of UMBC domain into the Google Group 

      • i.e., giving access to a user whose email address does not end in ‘@umbc.edu

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