What are my responsibilities as a DoIT project lead?

What are my responsibilities as a DoIT project lead?

Project Leads are responsible for the same tasks as any project team member in addition to providing overall project status updates for leadership dashboards. See What are my responsibilities as a DoIT project team member?

How to Provide a Status Update:

  1. Navigate to the Active DoIT Projects - Project Leads view. When you receive the reminder email to provide a status update, the link will direct you here. You can also use the short link: umbc.edu/go/smartsheet-doitprojects

  1. Click anywhere in the row of the project you wish to provide a status update for.

  2. A “Details” tab will open on the right side of the page to the “Comments” tab.

  3. You will see the comment history of other status updates. Click “Add a Comment” at the bottom of the Details tab to type your update.
    Please date your update at the front of your comment so it displays easily on the leadership dashboards. Your name will be attached automatically.

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