Where do pronouns appear in Blackboard courses?

Where do pronouns appear in Blackboard courses?

Pronouns will be released to Blackboard for Summer 2023 courses. Learn more about using pronouns (pdf).

All Users

Areas of Blackboard


Areas of Blackboard


User profile

  • a user can see their own pronouns in their profile page

  • a user can see their own pronouns and pronunciations when editing their profile in the profile settings peek panel

NOTE: Pronouns are set via myUMBC profile, not Blackboard. This information is passed to Blackboard when a user’s account is created or the pronoun is selected/updated.

A pronoun is not required. If a pronoun is left blank, no information is passed to Blackboard in this field.

Pronouns appear in the user's profile

Ultra Courses

Pronouns will be visible in these Ultra course locations:

Area of Ultra Course


Area of Ultra Course


Roster (see image 1)

  • the course roster is only visible to instructors, TAs, and graders

  • instructors can see other users’ pronouns and pronunciations when searching for users to enroll in a course

  • Instructors can see an individual user’s pronouns and pronunciations when viewing or editing them in the course roster

  • instructors can see an individual user’s pronouns and pronunciations when viewing or editing their accommodations

Image 1: Pronouns appear under the user's name and pronunciation (if set by the student). The course roster is visible to instructors, TA, and graders.

Groups (see image 2)

  • a user can see the pronouns and pronunciations of other users in a group in which they are assigned

  • instructors can see the pronouns and pronunciations of students in the group management view

Group Assessments

  • a user can see group members’ pronouns and pronunciations in the overview panel 

  • a user can see group members’ pronouns and pronunciations while taking the assessment 

Peer Review

  • a user entitled to see peer reviewers’ names can see their pronouns and pronunciations above their feedback when viewing a student’s attempt

Image 2: Pronouns appear under the user's name in a group membership.

Discussions (see image 3)

  • users can see other users’ pronouns and pronunciations with their responses


  • users can see other users’ pronouns and pronunciations when searching for message recipients

  • users can see other users’ pronouns and pronunciations in the message panel

Image 3: Pronouns appear under the user's name in the discussion board.

Gradebook (see images 4)

  • instructors and graders can see users’ pronouns and pronunciations in the grid view

  • students can see their own pronouns and pronunciations when viewing their own grades

Image 4: Pronouns appear in the gradebook under each user's name when viewing the grid / spreadsheet view.

Original Courses

Pronouns will be visible in these Original course locations:

Area of Original Course


Area of Original Course


Assignment Submission (see image 5)

  • instructors can see the student’s pronouns and pronunciations when viewing the assignment submission and clicking on the profile card

Image 5: Pronouns appear to instructors when clicking on the user's image in the submission.

Discussions (see image 6)

  • users can see other users’ pronouns and pronunciations with their responses when clicking on the profile card

Image 6: Pronouns appear to all users when clicking on the user's image in discussion boards.

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