How do I add Poll Everywhere to Blackboard and sync my Blackboard roster?

Instructors may sync their Blackboard course rosters with Poll Everywhere in order to export Poll Everywhere grades and participation to their Blackboard gradebooks. The following steps review how instructors may sync a Blackboard roster with a UMBC Poll Everywhere account.

Note: Instructors may need to sync their rosters at first use and then after add/drop to ensure they have an accurate roster in Poll Everywhere to export grades to Blackboard.

Review Poll Everywhere resources:

Blackboard Original

Blackboard Original

Tell Me

  1. Open your course view in Blackboard Original.

  2. Under Build Content, select "Poll Everywhere."

  3. Name the Poll Everywhere link and select "Submit."

  4. Now click the Poll Everywhere link that you just created.

  5. You will first see a screen to confirm you wish to make the LMS connection. Click though that screen, and you will land on the LMS course connection page.

  6. Select Sync roster.

  7. Note: The following screen will inform you that that roster sync is happening in the background. You can click the button to continue to the Participants page.


If you would like to send your Poll Everywhere grades and participation data to Blackboard, please see: How do I send Poll Everywhere grades, attendance, and participation to Blackboard?