Testing webpages on the new campus web environment

  • If you are responsible for a departmental or group website that is addressed by http://www.umbc.edu/department where department is your site then you will need to check your site for compatibility with the new environment that has been setup

How to test your website

  1. Go to your site at http://www.umbc.edu/department and then replace www with www-new, e.g http://www-new.umbc.edu/department

  2. Check out each link and see what it looks like with www-new in place of www, please note a lot of times clicking a link will change back to www.umbc.edu if it had an absolute path, so pay attention to the URL when testing.

How update your site

  1. Update all the links on your site to get rid of references to www.umbc.edu. You can do this by changing the a href= part of the link from a href="www.umbc.edu/directory/filename" to just be a href="/directory/filename"

  2. Check the URLs of any javascripts and style sheets for the same issue, again changing any mention of www.umbc.edu to be a slash (e.g. www.umbc.edu/department/script5.js to /department/script5.js)

  3. If you are still having issues please open an rt ticket at http://rt.umbc.edu and reference that you are trying to fix a website and someone will work with you to troubleshoot your site