How do I view the statistics report for Blackboard content items?

This FAQ is for Original courses.

To view statistics reports for content items in Blackboard, you MUST enable statistics on each item by going to that item’s location in your course and enabling tracking under Statistics Tracking (On/Off) from the contextual menu.

Statistics can be generated for individual items and external links in your course. This tool is especially helpful when you want to gather statistics on which items students are regularly accessing.  You must have enabled statistics tracking when setting up the item or by editing the item to allow tracking. 

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  1. Click on the Action Link (arrow pointing downward) next to a content item to open the item’s contextual menu.

  2. Select View Statistics Report.

  3. Click on the Action Link next to Content Usage Statistics and click Run.

  4. On the Run Reports page, select the desired Format, Users (if no users selected, will do class), Start Date, and End Date.

  5. Click Submit to run the report.


Ideally, the total represents the number of times that item is accessed. However, the trigger for Statistics Tracking is the page loading. If there are 10 items on a page with tracking enabled, and the student loads the page, all 10 have technically been viewed. Additionally, it's very possible that an individual item has 10 "accesses," but in reality, it was never accessed... only the page itself was accessed.

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