UMBC Observatory Wiki!
Observation Session 20230308
Onkar(left at 1900 and came back at 2100), Connor(left at 2300), Shrey, Gabriel(left at 2300), Natalie, Tara, Matt
Spaces Occupied
401, 433C, Dome
Attach ICRON box to the telescope
Attempt autoguiding using finder scope camera
Attempt taking images of some blazars
Turned on ASCOM, TCS, Thesky6, opened dome
Onkar mounted the ICRON Extender Box using double-sided gorilla tape on the GAM-Lite
Connected the ICRON to outlet 3 of the remote power strip, relieving the small ladder of its ICRON holding duty.
Closed the dome and covered baffle/finder scope in order to take dark frames on PHD2
Collected dark frames for the on-axis camera first (ZWO ASI 178MM), then the for the finder scope (ZWO ASI 2600MM Pro)
Select the desired camera, then follow Top Taskbar → Darks → Dark Library → Start to begin taking dark frames
Made a new profile for each camera (ASI 178MM and ASI 2600MM Pro) so that multiple dark libraries could be saved
Retook dark frames on each respective profile
Uncovered main scope and finder scope and opened the dome
Slewed to Orion
Attempted to focus the main scope using SharpCap FWHM focusing tool to the best of our ability and the seeing
Connected on-axis camera to PHD2 and attempted to begin guiding, but couldn't get a bright enough source to guide with
Switched to finder scope profile and connected finder scope camera to PHD2 and began guiding
Calibration failed because PHD2 couldn't register enough relative movement of any source with tracking set to 15.042 arcsec/sec
Onkar comes back.
Slewed to Mars and fixed the pointing in the on-axis camera
set object position
slewed to capella
set object position
fixing the focus, set to 2270.9
slewed to HD 81567
Close to celestial eq and apparent magnitude of 6 (why does this matter?)
being close to the celestial eq matters because this would have the most apparent movement with not so great tracking
the apparent magnitude being around 5-6 is preferable to phd2, not 100% sure why
set object position
attempting guiding
phd2 having trouble locating the star, very fuzzy (why does this matter?)
It would seem that the fuzzier the star, even if the center mass is super bright, phd2 has a hard time keeping a lock on target
attempting to increase SNR from 70 to 150 (what does this mean and how do you do it?)
this is the signal to noise ratio, the higher the number the higher the contrast (I think)
tried forcing phd2 to autoguide anyway, could not accurately tell if it was guiding or just following the star
onkar stole speaker, installed onto DC
advanced settings in phd2 (brain button)
changed to saturation via star-profile under star saturation detection
target SNR at 3.5
noise reduction from none to 2x2 mean under general properties
follows for a bit, then loses star "star lost, HFD"
attempting guiding of dimmer star to the bottom right of the picture
set minimum star HDS from 1.5 to 1
noticing SNR changing values between exposures (27-32)
turns out it was a hot pixel, attempting original star again
it was pretty bad, see screenshot below for calibration woes.
the screenshot is on the dc, will upload soon -onkar
slewed to Gaia DR2 810952158347151360
reduced gain back to 0 (why does this matter?)
wanted to adjust exposure before adjusting gain
exposure at 0.5 sec, saturated
finds star, loses star, sad
SNR hovering around 20
eventually got to guiding
"keeps making the maximum corrections for each command" -Gabriel
"phd2 cannot make sufficient corrections in ra and dec" -phd2
verifying settings in phd2
when connecting mount and camera, phd2 suddenly closes
abandoning autoguiding at this point
took some images of Gaia DR2 810952158347151360
took 5 captures at 5 minute intervals 3 times (5 captures at 11:16PM, 5 captures at 11:21PM and 5 captures at 11:26PM)
Filter wheel was not showing up on Sharpcap, tried to fix it by updating drivers and restarting DC, but that didn't work
Going to attempt again tomorrow
closing up
made sure it closed this time -Onkar
visually verified dome was closed - Shrey
fix filter wheel drivers
look into color camera color formats
investigate phd2 further
try decreasing "Max RA Duration" under File→ advanced settings→ algorithm or "guide rate" under DFMTCS→ telescope→ rates→ handle paddle rates
When changing the camera being used for guiding in PHD2, change the profile being used before connecting the different camera
Top Taskbar in PHD2 → Guide → Connect Equipment → (Disconnect the equipment being used) → Equipment Profile → (Choose what profile you want to use and select the matching camera)
In the bottom right hand corner, there should be a box that says "Dark". If the text is GREEN, then the dark frame library is being used properly. If the text is RED, something probably went wrong and new dark frames may need to be taken.
When you click on the "Connect" button on the camera, if it gives a "Camera Change Warning", click NO and make sure the camera matches the profile
All sources are reporting clear skies (<2% cloud coverage across all boards)! Astropsheric and ClearDarkSky both are reporting average transparency and poor seeing, so any images might be blurry. -natalie
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Direct Questions/Concerns to Roy Prouty (