How do I enable PHP sessions for my site?

How do I enable PHP sessions for my site?

Performing the following steps should make PHP sessions available for a particular site:

  1. Create a "/afs/umbc.edu/public/web/sites/[site]/prod/php/session/" directory.

  2. Grant the web.[site] user write permission on the newly created "[site]/prod/php/session/" directory:
    /usr/bin/fs sa /afs/umbc.edu/public/web/sites/[site]/prod/php/session/ web.[site] all

  3. Add the following line to the "/afs/umbc.edu/public/web/sites/[site]/prod/htdocs/.htaccess" file:

    php_value session.save_path /afs/umbc.edu/public/web/sites/[site]/prod/php/session