Guideline 255 - Claims Returned Procedure

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 255 - Claims Returned Procedure

When a library patron claims that an item still charged out to them has been returned to the library, they should notify the library immediately.   

A Claims Returned may be taken by Circulation Staff over the telephone, via email, or in person.

The following policies will apply to this procedure:

  1. Items Claimed Returned will be searched for immediately and up to 4 times within a 40 day period.

  2. If the item is found in the library, the item will be discharged from the user's record and late fees will be waived provided the item is stamped with a recent return date and is sensitized.

  3. A patron may have ONE OCCASION with a maximum of 3 (three) items without assessment of late charges, unless the item was recalled by another patron.

  4. The patron is encouraged to continue searching for the item while staff search for it in the library. If the patron finds the item and returns it to the library, the exception indicated above will apply as a one-time courtesy.

  5. If the item cannot be found, the following policies will apply:

    • The item will remain on the patron's account until it is billed for replacement, returned, or replaced.

    • Item replacement charges transferred to the Bursar's office will not be rescinded or waived.

  6. After the one occasion of waiving late fees for Claims Returned items, or if there are more than 3 items being claimed returned (even on a first occasion), the user will be billed all associated late fees where the patron is deemed responsible. These charges may include the replacement cost of the book, a $35.00 processing fee or the overdue fine.

guideline revised 7/14/04, 8/4/09, 10/20/17

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian