How do I add existing CourseArc Modules to my Course? (Original and Ultra)

How do I add existing CourseArc Modules to my Course? (Original and Ultra)

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If you've created CourseArc modules in previous courses/semesters, you can reuse your CourseArc content using the CourseArc Content Selector tool.

Blackboard Ultra

  1. Choose an area of your course you wish to add the CourseArc content to.

  2. Hover your cursor between items to display the purple (+) icon, select Content Market and choose CourseArc Content Selector Tool.

Using the CourseArc Content Selector Tool

In the CourseArc Content Selector tool, you'll see all of the CourseArc courses that you've created or have editing privileges to. To reuse existing CourseArc modules:

  1. Access the CourseArc Content Selector tool.

  2. Locate the course or use the Search (above the CourseArc courses).

  3. Next to the CourseArc course, select the dropdown to display the module(s)/pages.

  4. Select a module to add to your current course, and click Select. CourseArc will automatically add the module to your current course.

This is a .gif illustrating the steps for selecting CourseArc content to link back into a Blackboard course.



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