Guideline 410 - Lost and Found Procedures (Items Found)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 410 - Lost and Found Procedures (Items Found)

All items of tangible personal property found in or about the Library & Gallery should be turned in immediately to the Library Security Guard on duty. If a Guard is not on duty, turn it in to staff at the Library Circulation Desk (preferably a supervisor, if available). When the Evening Security Guard is not available, his supervisor will serve as an alternate.

A. Weapons (edged weapons and firearms) and Illegal Drugs
Call Campus Police Immediately at x53133 to report

B. Food, Clothes, Books, etc.
The Security Guard should do the following with these items:

  1. food and drink, or anything liquid or perishable, **must be properly discarded immediately

  2. articles of clothing with little apparent value and without owner identification are simply added to a clothing box located in the Circulation department with the date the item was accepted attached

  3. books, papers, notebooks, etc., without owner identification, are added to a "books" box located in the Circulation department with the date the item was accepted attached

  4. computer disks, without owner identification, are added to a "disks" box located in the Circulation department with the date the item was accepted attached

C. UMBC Campus ID Cards
The security guard or staff member receiving the ID card should:

  1. Page the cardholder within the library

  2. If the Campus ID Card goes unclaimed after the owner has been paged, the ID card should be dropped in the Lost & Found Drop Box

  3. The Library Security Guard will add the ID card to a "Campus ID Cards" accordion file located behind the circulation desk. **Once a week the daytime Library Security Guard or alternate will photocopy all ID cards that have been collected, and then transport the ID cards to Card Services in the University Center

D. Item(s) Found of Value, including Cash
*Items including, but not limited to:

  • cash, in any amount

  • credit cards

  • personal identification (including license, passport, etc.)

  • electronic devices including laptops, personal digital assistants (PDA's), iPODs (or equivalent), cellular phones, etc.

  • jewelry/watches valued over $100 (costume jewelry is not considered of value)

  • keys

  1. If a Library patron (not library staff) found the item(s), request the person turn the item(s) in to Campus Police

  2. If the library patron declines the request to transfer the item(s) to Campus Police, immediately complete a Lost & Found Receipt, by:

    • Inspecting the item(s) in the presence of the person handing in the property, specifically itemizing all contents including money, credit cards, or other valuables

    • Note: the same library staff member cannot hand in property and complete the Lost & Found Receipt. In the event that the finder does not wish to comply, or the Security Guard found the property, a supervisor or other Circulation staff member should assist

    • The person handing in the property signs the completed Lost & Found receipt, verifying all contents are listed

    • The receiving staff member will make 3 copies of the completed Lost & Found receipt to be distributed:

      • to the person handing in the item(s)

      • to be attached to the item

      • to the Circulation Department Operations Manager

  3. If owner identification is available from the found property, record the owner information on the Lost & Found Receipt

  4. The receiving staff member will page the person within the library, recording the communication attempts on the Lost & Found Receipt

  5. If the owner does not retrieve the item within five minutes of being paged:

    • The Library Security Guard will organize the item(s) in the Lost & Found Lock Box, (typically in a manila envelope), with the copy of the Lost & Found Receipt

    • If a Circulation Staff member received the item(s), the receiving staff member will attempt to contact the owner at home (notifying the owner when they can pick up the item(s), and secure the item(s) in their desk until the end of their shift. If the item(s) have not been claimed by the end of the staff member's shift, the item(s) should be placed in Lost & Found Drop Box while a witness is present, with a copy of the Lost & Found receipt attached.

    • The original Lost & Found Receipt must be returned to the Lost & Found Receipt Binder, and replaced in sequence order

E. Owner Contact and Claim(s)

  1. The Evening Library Security Guard will make every effort to contact the owner (when information is available), and log efforts on the Lost and Found Receipt.

  2. If phone contact cannot be made within 5 days, the Evening Library Security Guard will send an email or letter to the owner indicating when and where the item(s) may be picked up. A copy of the email or letter should be attached to the original Lost and Found Receipt.

  3. If an owner is successfully contacted, or a claimant contacts the library to claim lost property, the Evening Library Security Guard must request the owner describe the item(s) in sufficient detail (appearance, when and where lost and other identifying characteristics), to convince the Security Guard the claim is bona fide.

  4. Claimants may claim property from 4:30pm to close, as the Evening Library Security Guard will handle all claimant inquiries.

  5. The claimant is required to produce ID and contact information, and sign the original Lost and Found Receipt to indicate they have claimed the lost item(s).

  6. The original Lost & Found Receipt must be returned to the Lost & Found Receipt Binder, and replaced in sequence order.

F. The Circulation Operations Manager will review the Lost & Found Receipts weekly to verify the measures outlined in this guideline are adhered to, and to identify any inconsistencies in receipts, etc.

G. Per the USM Board of Regents' Bylaws, Policies and Procedures (applicable policy below), finders of lost property have claimant rights after one year, if the found property goes unclaimed by the owner.


(Approved by the Board of Regents, July 26, 1990)

Each chief executive officer shall develop procedures for the accountability and safekeeping of currency and tangible personal property lost or abandoned on property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of the institution or component in accordance with the following:

  1. An employee shall be designated to be responsible for the accountability and safekeeping of the lost or abandoned currency and personal property.

  2. Currency and property identified as abandoned or lost shall be held for one year during which an owner may file a claim to recover.

  3. The individual finding the abandoned or lost currency or property has a priority claim which must be exercised within thirty days after the one year holding period expires; the institution or component shall notify the individual that the holding period has expired and that the individual's claim must be exercised within thirty days.

  4. Unclaimed tangible personal property may be disposed of after one year and thirty days. Lost currency and proceeds derived from the disposal of the property, after deducting any costs incurred, shall be deposited in the General Fund of the State to the account of the institution or component.

Replacement for: BOR VI - 22.01

Guideline revised 10/21/04, implemented

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian