Guideline 411 - Lost and Found Disposition Procedures (Items Found)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 411 - Lost and Found Disposition Procedures (Items Found)

All items of tangible personal property turned in to the Library & Gallery, not transferred to Campus Police, will be handled and disposed of by the Library Security Guard. On a daily basis the Evening Library Security Guard will empty the Lost & Found Drop Box, and handle the item(s) accordingly:

A. Boxes containing Clothes, Books, etc.
The Library Security Guard will sort the items and

  1. articles of clothing will be disposed of after thirty days

  2. books, papers, notebooks, etc., will be disposed of after sixty days. Books will be forwarded to Library Collection Management

  3. computer disks will be disposed of after thirty days

B. Cash
Within 24 hours of being found (or 48 hours if on a weekend), the Evening Library Security Guard will complete a cash receipt for each amount of cash found. The cash, and accompanying receipt, will be placed in a lockable money bag and dropped it into the Library Circulation Deposits Lock Box. A copy of the completed cash receipt should be stapled to the original Lost & Found Receipt.

C. Identification (Driver's License, etc.)
Forms of identification (excluding UMBC Campus ID Cards, see D.), will be disposed of in the following way(s):

  1. driver's licenses will be mailed to the address on the license after one week

  2. credit card(s) will be cut up and destroyed upon receipt

  3. passports, **if not claimed, will be mailed back to country of origin's Consulate in Washington D.C. **

D. UMBC Campus ID Cards
The Library Security Guard will add the ID card to a "Campus ID Cards" accordion file located behind the circulation desk. **Once a week, the daytime Library Security Guard or alternate will photocopy all ID cards that have been collected, and then transport the ID cards to Card Services in the University Center

E. Keys
Keys not claimed after 48 hours will be disposed of in the following way:

  1. UMBC campus keys should be forwarded to the UMBC Physical Plant Lock Shop

  2. All other keys, without owner identification, will be destroyed in the campus trash compactor

F. Miscellaneous property (cell phones, etc.)
Property not identified in the categories above will be retained for thirty days and then disposed of in the trash compactor

G. Electronic Devices (laptops, PDA's, ipods, etc.) of value or Valuable Jewelry
Should be transferred to the Campus Security office if contact with the owner and arrangements for pick-up cannot be made with 24 hours by the Evening Security Guard.

Guideline revised 11/06/95
Guideline replaced 10/21/04

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian