Guideline 403 - Medical Procedures for Work-Related Emergency, Injury, or Illness

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 403 - Medical Procedures for Work-Related Emergency, Injury, or Illness

SCOPE: This guideline sets forth the procedures established by the University to handle health problems arising from work performed by paid and unpaid employees regardless of employment status (all staff, student assistants, and volunteers, etc. are included). Work-related health problems covered by this guideline include repetitive motion injury or occupational disease, as well as on-the-job injury caused in a specific work accident or injury incurred while on campus grounds (e.g., while a staff member is walking to work from their car).

A. Procedure to receive medical attention
Refer to the Office of Environmental Safety and Health's website for University required procedures following work-related injuries.

B. Reporting Requirements: Use forms and current instructions available at Office of Environmental Safety and Health's web site.  In addition to the instructions on this web site, copies of all forms must be sent to the Library Administrative Offices.

  1. Injured employee must complete Employee's Report of Injury Form and submit to the Office of Environmental Safety and Health, with copies to the Library Administrative Offices and to the supervisor within 24 hours of injury.

  2. Injured employee must complete an Authorization for Treatment Form, available from the Office of Environmental Safety and Health, to facilitate medical attention.

  3. Supervisor must prepare Supervisor's Accident Investigation Form and submit tothe Office of Environmental Safety and Health, with a copy to the Library Administrative Offices within 24 hours of injury.

  4. Have any witness(es) to the accident complete an Accident Witness Statement Form and submit to the Office of Environmental Safety and Health, with a copy to the Library Administrative Offices with 24 hours of incident.

  5. Library Director or designee will assemble and forward all reports via fax (x51166) to the UMBC Office of Environmental Safety and Health.
    Copy kept in file = "work-related injuries."

C. Workplace Safety

Supervisors are responsible for continuous review of unit working conditions and procedures in order to provide a safe and efficient workplace.

Supervisors should orient/train employees as to proper safety procedures and ensure familiarity of all employees with this Library guideline and any changes/updates to it. Supervisors should periodically review these with all employees to ensure ongoing awareness and preparedness in event of an emergency.

Aug.2001 memo from Robert Nielsen, UMBC Office of Environmental Safety & Health
(sent directly to all staff); 9/06 update sent to administrators only.
Library council meeting 9/12/01

guideline revised 3/26/99 to reflect new forms
guideline revised 9/21/01 to reflect change to provider
guideline revised 11/19/03 to reflect new form and OESH website link; edited 9/6/06; edited 10/9/08 to defer to Office of Environmental Safety and Health as authoritative source for campus policy and procedures on work-related injuries -  LW

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian