Circulation Student Manual - Evaluations

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Circulation Student Manual - Evaluations

Student workers are evaluated at the end of each Spring and Fall semester.  Student duties are weighted as follows:

  • Stacks Maintenance:  50% - This includes sorting, shelving, shifting, shelfreading, and book pickup on your assigned floor.

  • Circulation Desk: 30% - This includes knowledge and correct application of the various policies and procedures, and professional etiquette and demeanor in in-person and telephone interactions with patrons.

  • General Performance: 20% - This includes attendance & punctuality, reliability, ability to work independently, and performance of other duties such as filling copiers and checking the drop box.

Your performance in these areas will be given a rating of Outstanding /Above Average / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement / Unsatisfactory for each of 11 performance factors, which will in turn be used to produce an overall performance rating on the same Outstanding – to Unsatisfactory scale. Students who are rated Outstanding or Above Average will receive a $0.25/hr raise each semester. Students who are rated Unsatisfactory may not be re-hired for subsequent semesters.

Generally speaking, if there is a problem with any part of your work performance, you’ll be notified and given time to correct it before the end of the semester. If you ever have any questions about your performance, or the expectations to which you will be held, please ask your supervisor for clarification.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian