Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Circulation Student Manual - Sorting
Returned books are placed onto the sorting shelves in the Circulation department in preparation for loading on to carts for re-shelving.
When sorting, please keep the following in mind:
Always start with the oldest sorting cart.
Don’t sort books into call number order – just put them onto the correct sorting shelf.
Make sure to separate folios from regular books.
Don’t lay books flat on the sorting shelves. If there’s no room left on a shelf, put any extra books on the overflow cart. Overflow shelves for the 3rd floor are on the back of the 3rd floor sorting shelves.
If a book is damaged, fill out a mending slip, and put it on the mending cart by Perry’s desk.
If a book has a low barcode, put it on the low barcode bin near Perry’s desk.
If a book has a hold or transfer slip, put it on the hold shelf or in the appropriate transfer bin.
If a book does not belong to UMBC, look up the book in the Item tab in Aleph. If the book has a hold, print the item slip, write on the slip that the book has a hold, and put the book and the slip on the Holds desk. If there is no hold on the book, return it in Aleph, print out the transfer slip, and put the book in the appropriate transfer bin.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian