How to connect to Solstice with an iPhone

Solstice Quick Start Guide for iPhone: 

  • Make sure you are connected to WiFi. Turn on the AV display system and select the Solstice option on the AV control.

  • Download and install the Mersive Solstice application. It can be found in the app store.

Upon opening the application you will be greeted with this screen:

  • From this, you will enter the IP address of the room you are in. It will usually be on one of the TV's. 

  • After you enter the IP Address you will be prompted to enter a code that will be on the TV screen.

  • When you've done this you will hit go and this screen will show on your phone:

  • To share your whole screen you will use the screen mirroring option on your iPhone.

  • First, you will swipe down on the top left of your phone it will look like this:

  • You will be presented with a number of displays you can connect to. You will want to look for the name of the room you are in. For example Sherman 250.

  • When you are finished presenting you will go back to the screen mirroring option and disconnect your device.