No-Cost Extension

No-Cost Extension

Reasons for Form:

The award agreement issued by the sponsor establishes a project timeline, creates a schedule for the submission of reports and other deliverables, and states a project end-date. If a project will not be completed by the end-date indicated on the agreement, then an extension request must be completed by the Principal Investigator. If an extension is not requested, the University could be in breach of the agreement, which increases the risk of nonpayment or the potential for a lawsuit.

A no-cost extension offers an additional period of performance to complete the project and file reports, without the provision of additional funding by the sponsor. Requests for extensions must be submitted far enough in advance to allow processing prior to the original termination date of the project. The procedures used to request a no-cost extension vary depending upon the type of award and the sponsor.


The Department Business Admin will access the webform.

He/She will fill out the proper contact information of an Additional Unit Contact (Optional) and the Principal Investigator (Required).

If the request is for a 2nd or subsequent extension, the Business Admin will also fill out the contact information for the applicable Next Higher Authority (i.e., Department Chair). 

The form will then transition to the Principal Investigator.

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will review the document.

The Additional Unit of Contact and everyone else involved in the workflow will receive a completed copy of the document.

Resources needed to fill out the form:

Detailed budget or PS grant summary report
Award Lead Unit # (Dept ID #)
Kauli Award ID #
PS Project #

How to fill out the form:

The Department Business Admin will access the webform and fill out the required fields.

The Business Admin will then access the document, fill out the remaining required information, and attach the detailed budget or PS grant summary report.

The document will then be sent to the designated Principal Investigator where he/she will be able to review and edit the information input by the Business Admin as needed, as well as fill in any of the required information and sign. The form will then be sent to the Next Higher Authority for review (2nd or subsequent request) or to OSP for review (1st request). 

Additional Info.



Contact Email - ospa@umbc.edu